Saturday, December 8, 2012

Life on life's terms...

I'm sure I've probably had a blogpost with this title before... it's something I run in to a lot. Living life on life's terms, not my terms, accepting the good with the bad, the happy with the sad, the tough times, things I might not understand... just accepting it all, knowing there is a higher reason for it all and I do not have to understand at this moment. That is difficult. I want to know everything, right now. I remember when I was moving out here, there was a two week window where I had no clue when I was moving, if I was moving, where I would live, how I was getting there, etc. But it all fell in to place. So if that can happen, why do I have such a difficult time trusting everything else to fall in to place? Me of little faith...
I've had a rough week and a half... two major shocks to my system came in the form of death, and another in the form of broken trust. Usually, I am a good judge of who I can trust. I at least get a sense of unease when there is someone I know I cannot trust. Can't explain it, just a feeling. However, I was way off on this one. It's disappointing. To say the least. I really believe I do my best, and good will overcome, no matter what.. I just have to keep believing that. I am very confident in the decisions I make, knowing that I consult a God much more powerful than any human, and work for the greater good, serving my community over ego and personality, striving for the Spiritual over the greed... This, I must remember, and this will always pay off in the end. No matter what.
So here I am, questioning my own judgment, yet remembering who I am- a selfless, honest hard worker. I may be a bit of a feeler and more emotional than I would prefer, but at least I'm honest and sensitive to others. I'd rather feel and connect with others than be cold and disconnected. That is my choice today. For this, I am grateful.
Love and light to all,

Saturday, December 1, 2012


I wrote this poem tonight...short, but to the point... in response to many issues that have been brewing for years. I felt them reach down to the core of my being as I was researching my family, Thanksgiving brought up even more (walking in two worlds... not an easy way to live) Add a death in the family, and here I am...
I refrain from going in to much detail, as I do not wish to offend or open old wounds- I just seek truth.

Unanswered questions, tales of deceit cover like a blanket, smothering me
Speak! Somebody, Speak!
Generations of lies, pieces missing, people no longer around to tell their stories
Speak! Somebody, Speak!
Can you hear me? Questions resounding, Truth is my aim, tell me our story
Speak! Somebody, Speak!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Unity, Love, and the like

I have so many thoughts and topics going through my mind this morning, it's taken me a bit to collect my thoughts. First of all, I want to thank everyone who participated in democracy by casting their vote. Regardless of differences, thank you.
Now to my thoughts... I have been reflecting on Unity and Love. It truly saddens me when I see people who profess Love in their hearts on Sunday, but spew what appears to be hatred to the world every other day- hatred of others who love differently, hatred of a man who has tried his best to turn this country around, hatred of those who may have fallen on hard times and need help, hatred towards universal healthcare.... I'd like to think I am mistaking fear for hatred. I would like to put on my rose-colored glasses and say "no, not my friends, they couldn't possibly hate anything that resembles an act of moving forward in this country, change, embracing equality." However, I am not there yet. Why do you hate? Is it fear? Is it change? Someone fill me in here, because I am truly baffled.
Last night, I saw someone on national television say she cast her vote for a certain person because she is a Christian. I was raised in the Bible Belt. In many churches, with many ministers putting their spin on the Bible, etc. Regardless of how many ways the web of deceit is spun, it is my belief that Jesus would be feeding the poor, offering FREE healing to the sick, sitting with the outcasts... oh wait, he did those things. So if one is going to be Christian, which is believing in Jesus as their Savior, then why not do your part and live as Jesus would live? And no, going to a shelter and feeding people once a year is not what I am referring to. What I am referring to is embracing our brothers and sisters, accepting our differences, applauding when someone is awarded the "right" to pursue happiness (congrats Maine, Maryland, and Washington), enthusiastically embracing affordable healthcare, crying tears of joy when the child with cancer is no longer denied coverage, rejoicing when our elders are allowed the medicare and social security they worked so hard to have, and understanding that sometimes people fall on hard times and it is the Christian way to help them and not refer to them as "lazy." Is our system perfect? No. Are there people who abuse certain aspects of it? Absolutely. Does this mean we stop living these ideals? I hope not. So, for those of you that do live a Christian life, Live It. For those of different faiths, live it- because we are allowed that choice. We are allowed freedom of religion. Or no religion. But for the Love of all things good, Be Kind. Find a way to Unity. Be Love.
That's all.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Real talk.

This weekend has been a weekend of reflection, reconnection, excitement, and getting back to my priorities in life. My main priority is, and will hopefully always be, to be of maximum service to God and my fellows. That's what I eagerly signed on for years ago, and it's worked well. However, I lose sight of that. I get busy with work or the gym, trying to find my way around my new surroundings, exploring, etc, that I lose sight of my main purpose. Sure, I volunteer in my community and attempt to be a person that contributes to the well being of others, not one to just take what I can from the world, but actually give back. Whether that be at an event, in the workplace, at home, or in the fellowship. However, that isn't possible when I am not actively working some sort of recovery program. And for me that is more than just connecting with my creator daily. It's getting back in to service in recovery. Because without recovery, I would in no way be in service in these other areas of my life. Quite honestly, I'd be in prison or dead.. My guess is the latter.
It's been extremely difficult for me to feel connected to the recovery community in Oakland. Mainly because I haven't made the effort. I don't have the desperation I had circa 2005. Life is great. I'd rather go to work, hit the gym, explore the Bay Area, take care of life stuff... or I'm too busy to make time, all of that stuff we do. Or I do. So I'm reconnecting.
I came to Sacremento thinking I wouldn't know a soul at this conference. I actually almost cancelled at the last minute because I felt I needed to work this weekend and I'm in Portland next weekend. Thank God I didn't talk myself out of it. I get here and meet people I feel I've known for years. I also see Oakland and SF people here. We set up a good schedule of meetings for me to check out. Connection. Excitement. Priorities. And it just so happens my lungs are still too weak from the pneumonia to be in the gym so that is freeing up lots of time to get plugged in. Who knew illness would be a blessing :)
I'm grateful. Always.
Love to all, light to all,

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Lessons from the plague

Finding gratitude when feeling like crap is not the easiest feat. Actually, it's very difficult. What I am learning is I am still a horrible patient, and have yet to outgrow my sensitivity handicap when ill. Yes, I am naturally sensitive, but have grown leaps and bounds in this area of my life. Until I get sick. Then, I am one wildly hormonal woman. Especially if it involves me having to take some sort of steroids.
So this has been my month in a nutshell- I got a cold. Then bronchitis. Then my asthma became unhappy with me, and that led to breathing treatment after breathing treatment, yet I still couldn't fend off pneumonia. Next, the medicine they gave me caused an infection in my throat, which landed me in the hospital because I could not swallow my own saliva. They also believe I have strep. After becoming re-hydrated, given new kick ass antibiotics and steroids, and a million jolts of Reiki love from my Bear, I am finally (hopefully) on the upside of all of this.
It's taught me a lot about myself though. I hate being sick. I am not good at it. It's also taught me about others- some are complete insensitive jerks, while others are truly helpful beings who find themselves being helpful no matter what. I am grateful for both. This time ill has given me the ability to connect with new friends, to rest my body and give it a break from working out (as much as I hate that), to quit smoking!, and to find genuine happiness in my art. I needed that. No matter how the lesson comes, I am grateful for it. Every single time. So this one huge month of a lesson is this- treat my body well, appreciate kindness, shake off the rest, and when all else fails, go within and find peace doing something creative. Whether it's being creative in my work life or play life, it makes me feel more whole. That's good enough for me :)
Thank you, plague, for teaching me. You can leave now
Love to all, light to all,

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Why I do not drink...

In a couple of weeks, it will be 7 years since I have last had a drink. Some may think it's easier to be a nondrinker the longer one is away from a drink. But most of us in the sober world know this isn't the case. At times, I feel like it's harder than ever. I got sober when I was barely legal- age 21. What many people do not know is I had been in and out of meetings, therapy, treatment centers, jails, churches, halfway houses, etc. since age 15. So by the time I got sober, I was sick of it all. However, I have to remind myself of all of that to this day. Why? Because I know what alcohol did to me. I know the roads it led me down... The drugs, suicide attempts, near death experiences, the person I became... I know the destruction it caused, to myself and those around me. Why am I thinking of this right now? Because it's important to me to remember who I am. At times, I feel I am the only person in my community that doesn't drink. I know this isn't true. I can go to a meeting, hang out with certain co-workers, attend a community event, and find sober people at all of those places. However, to be a 28 year old single lesbian in Oakland/SF, it is rare that I am sober. Very rare. I thought it would be easier after college. Undergrad was difficult, graduate school was harder (grad students can really knock them back!), adult life- even harder. So I have to remind myself at times.
Tonight, I was discussing New Year's with someone. We were talking about costs of a night out- free drinks, food, DJ's, etc. I asked "what if I don't drink?" Someone made the comment that I should. Or something like this. I had to quickly explain that I have been down that road, and it never ended up as something I should have done... unless we want to include jails, institutions, and near death in that list. It was a good reminder to myself though. Isn't that what it's about anyway? To thine own self be true... Regardless of what others are doing, and what looks like the fun thing to do, it all comes down to knowing myself, and knowing where I belong... sober, healthy, and happy. Living my life purposefully and being of maximum service to others. And that is just not possible without my sobriety. That is why I do not drink. I like who I am sober, I enjoy the relationships I have been able to build and sustain through sobriety. Most of all, the connection I feel with my Creator, a connection I was unable to attain under the influence of multiple substances. Through this connection, I am able to live a life that is truly beyond my wildest dreams. And that is why I do not drink...
Love to all, Light to all

Monday, October 15, 2012

When life gives you mud...

...Make a mud pie. Yes, my country girl just came out :)

Character Building. What step am I working? Where are my feet? 
These are the thoughts that stay with me whenever I am going through a difficult times. Then, my mom's favorite- "put your big girl panties on and deal with it." I need all of these right now. It's funny how life can be going along so grand and then something hits that just knocks you off your feet. For me, it's a medical issue, and the side effects of such issue. I've done enough griping about that for a few weeks. 
I have to remember I will not feel like this forever, it is simply temporary. I do not have to act on every impulse I have... to yell, to cry, to try to numb out with anything other than God... this is temporary. I am letting go, letting God, trusting that I am okay. I will be okay. Everything is okay. Even if I don't get better today, it is all okay. Right now, in this moment, I am at my dream job, receiving sweet texts from my love, breathing in the life force that is the Great Spirit, and I am okay. My feet are firmly planted, waiting for my mind to get there too. Until then, I will put my big girl panties on and deal with it.
Love to all, Light to all

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Oh Life, how I love you

If I ever feel like I want to move back to Florida, I will have to remind myself of the experiences I would miss out on the most- being here is amazing! I still can't believe I live here. Here, I can be me, completely and wholeheartedly. I can be totally happy being me, surrounded by so many like minded individuals, opportunities to explore, experience, and enjoy life. Sure, happiness isn't determined by my surroundings, but living in the best place in the states surely helps. This weekend, I went on a speed date at TPS (events like that would never happen in the south lol), and a Now and Zen Fest at Golden Gate Park, and I get to experience two more concerts this week-- Melissa Etheridge and Christina Perri/Jason Mraz. Both in very intimate settings. How privileged am I! I don't think I've had this much fun in a while.
Moving out here had to be one of the most frightening experiences I've had. I still have my sad moments, the freak out moments that last a short minute or two, but are still like "what the hell were you thinking?" But for the most part, it's all good. I feel connected to life here. I can't really put it in to words. One friend said I sounded like I married SF and am a newlywed. That's probably a good way to put it. I glow here. This is quite possibly the first time in my life that I haven't had good grades to make me happy, a love life to make me happy, another person, or any accomplishment to make me happy- it's just me. Exploring, experiencing, enjoying... Connecting to Life. Living it up, and loving every moment!
Love to all, Light to All

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

How much can happen in a week...

A lot! I feel like it's been a month since my last blog post, but it's been a week. This is going to be a long one, so settle in... (For those who are on my fb, some of this will be old news... then again, I may only have one or two readers that are not on myt fb page)
So this week went from a near death experience with a family member, from going to Pittsburgh, PA very last minute, to my first experience presenting at the National level, followed up by working on my novel, and even a conversation with my ex-fiancé...
Here I go..
Sunday night, my cousin attempted suicide. He was in ICU, unconscious, and on a respirator. They told his mother to go home for his will and prepare herself and the family. Miraculously, he survived and is now home after a stay in the behavioral health center.... I am no stranger to suicide-- attempts and completions-- almost to the point where it hits me like any other death or near death experience... but this one hit me a lot harder-- in two ways. The first is because Randy has Huntingtons Disease. You can read his and his mom's story here- So, you see, Randy has this disease that is truly debilitating... however, he had been doing so well. I would see him excited about going to school and I would be so excited for him. It's heart breaking to watch someone struggle with HD and everything that goes along with it. It's even more heartbreaking to watch his mom have to go through this- she is one of the sweetest, strongest women I know.
The second way this touched me was a bit unexpected- I was overwhelmed to the point of tears by the outpouring of love and prayers from all over the US- it's truly amazing. I work in an agency that will stop what they are doing to come together for a prayer circle whenever needed. Last Friday, I asked that we hold a small one for Randy and Sharon. Immediately following the prayer circle, I got word he was off the ventilator and breathing on his own. But that's not all. Later that evening, he came to a bit, mumbled some words, and had friends and family go see him. That is exactly what we prayed for- that he would not feel alone or isolated during this time.
That night, and the next morning, I went through facebook looking at Randy and Sharon's pages, as well as all of the comments on my own page. The word overwhelming is not nearly strong enough a word. I already know the power of social media, we use it in my workplace for a suicide prevention grant I am on, but to have it touch me so personally is a different experience. There must have been over a thousand people praying for Randy. That is extraordinary.
Before knowing whether Randy would fully be okay, I had to head to Pittsburgh for work. The story behind this is crazy now that I have time to realize what just happened- I was asked Friday to go meet a consultant and co-present on a 6-year grant we had at our agency (a grant I had very little knowledge of, just the data part). So all weekend, I studied what I thought I may need to know, prepared the data to present, worked all day Monday getting everything together to head out 5am Tuesday morning. I love the adrenaline. I love working so well under pressure. I was not prepared to have to do a roundtable discussion in front of the "Feds" by myself on Wednesday, but we ended up being double booked on one of our workshops. So I did it! The next day (Thursday), I gave about 2/3 of the second workshop (Culture is Prevention) and Stevie did the first 1/3.
I have to talk about Stevie for a moment... do you ever meet someone you feel you've known for your whole life and the energy is remarkably compatible? That's us! We were dynamic! Never even worked together until this week. We presented together so perfectly, it was almost scary. I just love that! And she lives near my brother, so now when I go to Portland, I get to see her too :) We will definitely work together in the future. I do not know when or on what projects, but I feel it. And I am excited! You'd have to meet her to fully understand, but she is like me in 20 or so years. Maybe 30. She's even the mayor of her town! (That part is hilarious when you know her) But we did it. We went in, got it done, and had loads of fun. I am still surprised my directors trusted me enough to send me on this mission. I also found out what a "crackerjack" is this week-- funny story... So my director was on the phone with Stevie last Friday saying she had a crackerjack evaluator to send to Pittsburgh. I had no idea what on earth that meant, so I asked my upstairs neighbor that night. It means she likes me, she really, really likes me! haha, it's the little things. So Stevie is the mayor, I am the crackerjack.
As if all of this excitement wasn't enough, I opened up my novel doc and wrote some there. At this rate, I will finish in about 50 years, but it's ok. It's all growth, on it's own timetable. I also spoke with my ex, as I mentioned. I realized I miss her. But we had to grow up a lot. I don't know if our paths would ever cross again, but I'm open to it. We had a good thing. I was able to see more of my faults now... putting others' needs ahead of our relationship, not dedicating enough time to grow said relationship, etc. Part of that is just me, I'm a busy bee. But it's good to reflect on, and again, grow... whatever that growth is supposed to look like.
So friends, it's been a long, long week. My cat is laying on my keyboard, demanding some loving, and a letter from Bear is waiting to be opened.
Love to all, Light to all

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Life Lately...

Rocks! Ok, so it's rocked for a while now. I have days where I wake up and can hardly believe I live here, work here, breathe here, exist in this space... it's truly amazing. Especially when I think of where I was 7 years ago, 5 years ago... hell, just a few years ago. I was always too fearful to leave my hometown, but I did it. Then, I was scared to leave Florida, but I did it. It happened through a series of letting go, following my heart and soul, being open to the signs, seeing when doors are opening, and walking through them... Sure, there are days when I miss my family, but I do not think I will leave this space for a very long time.
I have been reflecting on a lot lately, but mainly how many people get stuck in jobs they hate, or have to settle for less than perfect conditions to bring home a paycheck... how blessed am I that is not my life. (Or privileged, as my mentor would say). Yes, I officially have a mentor at work. She's been that to me since before I started working here, but I officially asked last week. I was nervous she would laugh, or say no, that she had too much responsibility as it is, but it was the opposite. She takes her role very seriously and I am grateful. She's tough, don't get me wrong, but she cares about me, my happiness here, my progress in work, my overall well-being. Did I say I love my workplace? Not many agencies can provide me what I have with NAHC.. community, mentorship, empowerment, sense of purpose, trust, passion, the list is endless. And yes, I get paid to be a part of it all :) Don't get me wrong, I'd make more in corporate America, but what is the point in making tons of money to be miserable?
So, friends, this is life lately. I was planning for Portland next weekend, but am headed to Pittsburgh (Pa, not Ca) instead. Funny, I spent a great deal of time (before leaving FL) meditating on how I can be less rigid... I've definitely been given ample opportunities to practice flexibility. I'm not sure I was the type of person that could just say, hey, I'll go to Pittsburgh next week. So glad I am becoming less fearful and more willing to just do it. It's all growth, and it's all good.
Love to all, Light to all,

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Decision tree- blog style

I told myself I would chill on political posts, but I think I have chilled enough on them. It's an election year, and I can write.. So why not.

First up... A "who should you vote for?" decision tree- blog style

1. Are you a woman? Vote Obama
2. Are you Native American, Hispanic, African American, any other race that is not purely European American White? Vote Obama
3. Are you lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, or two spirit? Vote Obama
4. Do you love someone who is lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, or two spirit? Vote Obama
5. Are you in college, or paying student loans, or have a child that is in college or paying student loans? Or does your child depend on financial aid for an education? Vote Obama
6. Do you have a parent on Medicare or are you close to Medicare (if not already Medicare eligible)? Vote Obama
7. Do you need health insurance and cannot afford it, have a pre-existing condition, or do you care about the child who is denied coverage for a life threatening illness and dies due to lack of care? Vote Obama
8. Are you altruistic and selfless, genuinely believing we should Love one Another? Vote Obama
9. Do you believe in the Lilly Ledbetter Act? Vote Obama (if you do not know what this act is, you should educate yourself or not vote at all)
10. Do you believe our military deserve absolute respect-- male, female, gay, or straight? Vote Obama
11. Have you ever been raped, know someone who has been raped, or understand the implications of being raped (especially if impregnated from such brutality)? Vote Obama
12. Do you want more jobs in America? Vote Obama
13. Do you want to "offshore" (outsource) jobs to other countries? Vote Romney
14. Do you want more foreign policy fuster clucks, leading our troops in to more wars? vote Romney
15. Are you a rich, white, man who does not care about the lives, health, and happiness of others regardless of their social standing, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status? Vote Romney

Monday, September 10, 2012

Adaptable Me...

Okay, so I have had this draft saved for a few days... time to post now. I am no longer in a funk, it always passes..
There are times when I feel I have absolutely nothing to write, yet a lot to write... if that makes any sense... maybe there are just too many thoughts going through my mind at once and making them coherent enough for a blog post is overwhelming... oh, the pressure. No, not really, I just like perfection and clean, structure... when there is too much to write, I'd rather write nothing. So stepping out of that zone, here I go...
It has been three months since I arrived to Oakland. I am now living downtown... moved last week or the week before? I do love my place. It takes me 10 minutes to get to SF from here (learned that Saturday), and that is awesome. The neighborhood is fabulous- I can walk to everything, have an organic food store downstairs, and The Perfect Sidekick is only about a 15 minute walk. Yet this week has been the funk of all funks. I am sure a lot of this has to do with me moving across country three months ago, and then moving again from North Oakland to downtown. All by choice, but that's a lot of movement. Even if each move is a more positive move than the first, it's still movement.
At this point, I question when I became this person that is so able to adapt to change. Like eerily adaptable. I always thought of myself as one who didn't like change... maybe that is still the case... who knows. (Obviously, I am figuring a lot of things out about myself and life in general at this point... oh, the joys of being in my late 20's)
Back to the point-- I didn't move once as a child. Ever. We were in the same house until I moved out when I was 16. Or 15. Some rebellious teenage year (sorry, mom). For the next 7 years, I lived in 14 different places. I am guessing this is when I learned to adapt. Oh, and maybe the 5 high schools between ages 14 and 15. I think the difference between then and now, is that the move to Tampa was my choice, the move to Oakland was my choice, the move downtown was my choice-- etc. etc. So maybe I am handling all of the change better now because they are all my choices, and that gives me some sense of stability in the chaos. I don't even know where I am going with this.. just randomness...
 I still walk around Oakland and San Francisco wondering how I got here... at times questioning my decision (mainly when I miss my family and feel my mom would be under less stress if I were there to help...)... other times, I am overwhelmed with such gratitude, I can hardly stand it. There are days when the streets are peaceful, there are days when they are cruel. There are days when I can't believe how many amazing experiences I get to have here... I have more opportunities than most have in a lifetime. There are days when I just want to do nothing. There are days when I feel like I'm finding my groove here, there are days when I am completely lonely and it sucks. Most days, I have to remind myself I am doing great. I have done more at work than I thought possible in 90 short days, I've met more people through meetings and TPS than I expected, and am getting out and living life to the fullest on a regular basis. Adaptability. If I keep all of that in the forefront of my mind, everything will be just fine.
Love to all, light to all

Monday, September 3, 2012

Life in the fast lane..

I didn't realize how much I needed to slow down and do art today. Spent the morning admiring and critiquing some of my photography, then took on my first altered book project this afternoon with my favorite people. I think I need a day a week or at least every other week of just art- where it be poetry, photography, altered books, just art... My soul craves it. So adding it to my new life schedule
Speaking of which... What schedule? I have got to get myself on a more regular schedule. Between meetings, work, workouts at TPS, extracurriculars, life is never boring, and I love every minute of it. I'm also aiming to be more structured in my time. I feel I'm finally settled in my new place, I can stick to a better schedule. At least my weekly writings and reiki with my Bear have remained constant.. For over two years now. Amazing.
So what's in the fast lane line up? Other than the aforementioned usuals, I have the following to pack in to the next 32 days- yoga for hope (SF), art in the park (redwood regional), Now and Zen (SF- free concert in golden gate), 5 day trip to Portland!!, Melissa Etheridge (Oakland), Jason Mraz and Christina Perri (Berkeley)- excuse my language, but hell yes. To all of the above. Oh, and a speed date deal! Maybe a 5K in there somewhere? Add a lot of workouts at TPS, hours at NAHC, and there's my life, in the fast lane. Live it up!
Love to all, light to all

Friday, August 24, 2012

Settle me, please...

We all know moving sucks. There is no way around that. But for some reason, this move is more difficult than my cross country move (ok, I am being a bit dramatic, but hear me out)... maybe it is because I have a lot less time to move. No, that's not it. I did work up until the week before leaving Florida. Then again, I had tons of hands helping me pack, get rid of things, pack more, load, etc. etc. Here, I do not have as many hands. I have, well, me. (I do have one friend who helped me get things for the apartment and will hopefully be there Sunday and Monday- thanks, Celia) So that's one difference.
I think the main difference is I want everything to be perfect. I need to be settled. I didn't realize how much so until this week. (My moving history is minimal... I did have multiple moves between the ages of 16 and 21, but I didn't care back then, I was too messed up to care. And before that, I lived in the same house since birth.) The move to Tampa was rough, but I moved to my own place, a huge 2 BR condo, and stayed there for two years. Since arriving in Oakland, I have been living in a tiny room with hardly any space to walk around in, let alone breathe. In someone else's place, with half of my belongings in storage. I chose it this way because I wanted to get out here and learn the area before committing to a lease.
Little did I know what renting and moving would be like... it is extremely rushed. You go to an open house, pull out your cash, credit reports, bank statements, pay stubs, completed app, and hope you beat someone to the punch. That was the tough part. That happened last week? The week before? I've lost track. Then comes the walk through, waiting on keys, etc. All of that happened this week? Last week? I've lost track. All while working a lot, trying to space plan my new place, get everything "perfect" (that's my main problem), and breathe. I really need to be settled.. did I mention that?
About my place, because I do need some gratitude here- it is AMAZING. Perfect location, downtown and lakeside- walking distance to Chinatown, Jack London Square, Lake Merritt, everything- first Friday, farmer's market, you name it, it's there. And it's a beautiful place. Yet, there is absolutely nothing in it- no curtain rods, not even in the bathroom, the washer and dryer hook ups are in too small a space to adequately place a washer and dryer, and there's a no putting holes in the wall rule that we were not told about until after the least was signed. And we were not told we needed a ventless dryer until after lease was signed.
So how did this week go? Hired movers. Rented truck. Haven't packed yet. Did shop. Attempted to put together some furniture. Failed miserably. Found a ventless dryer. Drove "45 mins" (took 2.5 hours due to traffic) to get said dryer. Had to change out the cord (that's a mcguyver move I learned in tampa when you have a 3 prong and need a 4)... paid for a washer that is to be delivered tomorrow, and now the washer will not fit because the dryer door needs to be able to open (duh, right?) Oh, and about the washer- delivery guys were supposed to meet me there at 1 today. Called them at 1:15 after rushing home between meetings and waiting for them, they asked to come tonight. Had my roommate get off work to meet them at 4:30, they called and asked to come tomorrow. They damn sure better be there at 10am tomorrow and try to stack that washer on our dryer. Or I might just lose it. Oh, and I'm on day 5 of gluten free. Someone give me a freaking cookie. Please.
So there we have it friends, my movers will be here in less than 36 hours and what I do have in my room is not packed. And I am supposed to work an event tomorrow.
Sorry for the negative nancy update, but it can't all be rainbows and flowers all the time, right? Just think, next time this week, I will be living in luxury with Space! In my own place. That's enough for me.
Love to all, light to all

More lessons from the bay area

This city is amazing, but there are always lessons to be learned.
  • Do not expect honesty, from anyone (I am sure this is a life lesson, not necessarily a metropolitan living lesson)
  • I have learned to be a good liar- "no, sorry, I do not carry cash on me."
  • Wear thick skin... just because a hooker cusses you out on International Blvd does not mean your day is ruined...
  • The apartment rental industry is extremely cut-throat... I have learned to be one of "those people."
  • It does not rain- that misty, foglike substance is exactly that- misty fog. At times, I miss a good rain.
  • Stay away from ANY freeway between the hours of 3p and 7p- sometimes, up to 10p. I cannot wait to only take public transit.
  • Do not expect California drivers to let you out in traffic, use a blinker, or do anything kind for that matter. IF they do, be grateful.
  • When driving, pay attention to the bike lanes, the pedestrian crossings, AND stop signs, stop lights, etc. It is an extremely daunting task.
  • If you are a cigarette smoker, prepare to be discriminated against. However, you can smoke your pot anywhere.
That's all I have for this post. I am currently undergoing changes at work, moving, on week 1 of gluten free, and miss my family. So this was my therapy :) Happy Friday.

Love to all, light to all,

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Wounded Woman...

Wrote this on my way to grad weekend... just took a while to post it.. 

Wounded woman, 
I understand you’re broken, 
you have been for quite some time....
Yet you will not break me in your own pain. 
I empathize with you, have compassion for those wounds of yours. 
But I will not lay down and die, I will not let you break me, 
I will not allow your wounds to become mine. 
Wounded woman, 
I hear you’ve been hard-hearted, you’ve turned to stone. 
The icy type. 
Oh, honey, it’s so unnecessary, don’t you see? 
People want to love you and be loved, 
not be shut out by the stone you have built around you. 
I will not be broken by your stone. 
See, you’re just another brick in my wall. 
You’ve added to who I am today, wounded woman. 
You helped build me up, but will not tear me down. 
You can hurt yourself all day… I will not succumb to the pain. 
The pain you have inflicted with your words, your wounds, your inactions, your icy stone. 
I choose to melt all of it away today, won’t you do the same… 
Wounded woman, Turn those wounds around. 
Don’t go around here inflicting the pain you feel. 
Use it to heal. 
Heal self, heal others, let go of your stone, wounded woman, 
find your peace, 
spread it, 
live it. 
Become whole… 
I am.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Pain and Gratitude...

So I haven't really posted an "update on the East Bay life" lately... last night, I posted a poem I wrote in July, and tonight I am posting on a totally different topic. (For those wanting an update in general, everything is awesome! I live in the best place ever!)
Tonight, I wanted to write something different... something a lot of people don't talk about, and I felt it important to share my story... mainly, because I am currently elevating and icing my knee, but also because it may help others. I have had the privilege of sharing my experiences with another who is going through a similar situation... we handle ours completely differently, but I think it has helped her to hear my struggles and victories.
So here I go.... Chronic Pain is one of those invisible illnesses... you can't tell (unless I am limping), and it's not something a lot of people discuss. Sadly, many doctors have added to why people do not talk about it a lot- because the words "chronic pain" have a negative connotation... in Florida, it was seen as someone seeking drugs.
The reason I don't discuss mine in detail is because I feel that if I focus on it, it increases. However, if it is to help someone else, I will definitely discuss. Wounded healer concept... literally. I will also discuss it if speaking with a medical professional or a personal trainer.
One of my chronic pain spots is like the majority of those who suffer- lower back. However, that is not the pain that gives me the most trouble (anymore)- the pain that troubles me the most is my knees.
I will start with the latter. I was born with a condition where the grooves behind my knee caps are too shall, and I am hyperflexible at the same time. Meaning the dislocation of my knee was a regular occurrence for years. It got to the point that I could just pop it right back in to place. Still can. This also means hyperextension is a regular occurrence (still)- I have to remain very cognizant of how I stand and had to re-learn how to do basically everything when I was 14. For example, I have to remind myself to keep a slight bend in my knee when standing. Additionally, I have chipped and broken both knees. What this means- I now have 80-ish old knees, need a new right knee, and have a lack of cartilage in both, as well as arthritis. What this really means- I hurt every morning when I wake up. Most days, it hurts all day. Sometimes, down to the ankle, but mostly it is like knives in my knee caps and behind my knee. Then, there's a nerve type pain that would make a grown man cry. Now please, do not sit there with your jaw gaping, or rubbing your knee, imagining the pain. And for the love of God, do NOT feel sorry for me. Ever. I am just qualifying here.
Saying all of that, I get to this- how I deal. I still work out on a very regular basis, I hike when I get the chance, "jog" when the pain doesn't make me want to puke (that is my indicator to stop), do modified squats to strengthen the muscles, receive injections (these no longer work, so will be removed from the list), receive reiki from my bear (I feel this to be the most healing), use a tens unit, lidoderm patches, and non-narcotic medications. When I have surgeries (I have had 4 or 5), I take the narcotics for a few days, then go back to the regimen listed above. The most important thing I do for my pain- I stay grateful! I can walk. I can run. I can't hop, but who really cares? I have legs. Yes, some days, I can barely use them, and I have to do a hell of a lot to lower my pain level, but I remain grateful. I keep a good attitude and rarely let it get me down. Do I get pissed? Oh yes. Do I quit? Hell no. That is why I am writing this... so hopefully, anyone who struggles with this can know you do not have to quit. For those who are reading this, and truly cannot handle it, I am not saying I am better than you or judging you for how you have dealt with your issue-- I am simply sharing my experiences.
Now to the lower back, since the majority of people struggle with this. There are some mornings when I wake up and my legs will not move. I wait. I gently move them until the numbness goes away. I have had to learn how to get in and out of cars, how to work my abs without my legs going numb, how to roll on to my side to get up, etc. This was from a car accident, but I probably had lower back problems long before (I fell a lot as a kid, and played ball for years). How I deal with this- reiki with Bear, massage, tens unit, I have learned if I move my leg a certain way, I can get the feeling back (hard to explain) basically the same things. The most important thing I do for my pain- Stay grateful! I remember one New Year's Day, I could not walk the whole day. My legs were numb and I had to stay on the couch for about 12 hours. I cried all day. The next day, it was worse. I decided I was going to call friends, watch a comedy, be grateful, what do you know? The pain subsided. I simply have to modify my life and my attitude. It's the same with hiking- I have to plan a day to rest after when I know I am going on a long hike. Is it inconvenient? Yes. Is it the end of the world? No.
So wow, I didn't expect to write a book. I have been thinking about how I could use this to help others for some time though. Tonight, I am in a ridiculous amount of pain because I overdid myself at a workout class. I know better. I know that when the pain gets to the point of nausea, I stop (not if the general physical exertion of the workout is making me nauseous- there is a difference). Tonight, I didn't stop. So I am elevating, icing, and calling my Bear for Reiki first thing in the morning. And I am Grateful. Because I can do these things. I have considered going after my certification with the National Association of Sports Medicine with a specialty in injury and rehab. Yes, it will cost money, take time, and all of that.... but if someone with my history can work out and enjoy it, I can surely help others do the same. For now, I will continue to share with my friend and hope it helps her find a new attitude about her pain. Or at least some gratitude...
So that's my story on this topic. Looking forward to a road trip this weekend and some hiking on the way back.
Love to all, light to all

Monday, August 13, 2012

My acknowledgements...

Took me a while to post this one...

I acknowledge that I have hurt you. I acknowledge that I have been hurt by you.
I acknowledge that I love you unconditionally. I acknowledge that by you, I was loved deeply.
I acknowledge the uncertainty, the sadness, the grief.
I acknowledge the questioning, wondering, the truth, the deceit.
I acknowledge you, acknowledge me...
I acknowledge the oneness, in the silence, it still remains,
I acknowledge my completeness, my independence, in the absence of our unity, the connectedness holds true, I acknowledge my ties to you. Bonds that I've wished away, they remain, I acknowledge these bonds, they do not equate chains.
I am free.
Complete, a whole being.
A gentle Spirit, wounded but grounded, harmed but loving, I acknowledge the duality that exists within, the duality you have left me with.. I acknowledge where you end and I begin...

All my relations

-DBear 7/12/12

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Dear mom,

Wow. What a weekend. I often wonder how I deserve such greatness. I mean it's not like I'm terribly special, I'm just me. Yet, I find myself being treated like a queen on a regular basis and it amazes me. Thank God I am not still paying for my past, or I would have nobody around to love me and appreciate me. For years, I only cared about surviving, doing what I had to do, regardless of others. Or what I thought was surviving. It was all self-centered, a life of self destruction, fulfilling the demons' demands. I am priveledged that I had the opportunity to start over, and nearly 7 years later, here I am. Finding myself constantly surrounded by such love, such presence, unconditional love. I have become a person that enjoys people, builds relationships, and these people love me back! These are the thoughts that have been going through my mind this weekend.
For those who do not know my whole story, it's a lot... to make it brief, who I am today is not who I ever imagined to be, nor did those who knew me then have any clue where I would be today. My family surely envisioned phone calls of overdoses or accidents, or that I would be in jail. All from chasing substances and highs to make me "better." Some years ago, I became part of an amazing fellowship where I connected with a HP to make me better, I connected with Love, I allowed myself to "get better." Because of many people loving me, and me somehow allowing this to happen, I am here today. This weekend, I graduated with a freaking masters degree. How does someone who comes from where I come from even do that? And the degree isn't even the biggest part... the love I felt from all those who have been with me along the way- that is the miracle.
The relationship I have with my mom is the biggest miracle. My mother is notorious for throwing amazing parties, and she is the one I harmed the most. She is the epitome of unconditional love. I tear up as I write this, because I can only hope I will be half the woman she is. A woman who gives so selflessly of herself, forgets and forgives the wrongs her children have bestowed upon her, and in turn, showers her love upon us. Wow.
Today, she is my best friend. Because of her, I was able to complete the education I sought. She was my cheering section through the late nights, hospital stays, multiple injuries, two and three jobs at a time while carrying a full load of classes, my editor, sounding board, my mom.
So yes, this was a whirl wind weekend, and I am still processing it all. I am grateful for the host of our party, the friends that showed up in person and watched online from afar, the advisers that believed in me when I wanted to give up, and mostly, my mom. This weekend was definitely worth the 6 planes it took to get to and from Florida so I could have my mom perfectly arrange my hood with cap and gown, take pictures, and I could proudly strut across that stage (armed with my warrior necklace) knowing I am not the person I once was. I am no longer the scared little girl, pushing everyone away, wanting to die. I am the woman who can hold my head high, believe in myself, appreciate the hard work and determination it takes to keep my commitments to myself, my family, my education, my passion. I am a woman that makes my mother proud.. More importantly, I am proud of myself. That is far greater than any degree, accolades, or monetary value. I am truly grateful.
Love to all, light to all

Thursday, August 2, 2012

An open letter to all who are open enough to read it...

Since this blog's inception, I think I have written one political post. Maybe two. This is surprising, as I am highly involved in politics, social justice, equality, basically anything that has to do with humankind. I am pro-people, including LGBT communities, marriages, adoptions, etc. However, I do not hate you if you do not agree.
What disturbs me is people donating money to hate groups, spreading lies about individuals that are not "normal" because they love differently. What disturbs me is when anti-gays do everything in their power to put a stop to gay marriage where it exists and ban it where it doesn't exist. And I hate to break it to you, but if you say you love the gays, yet vote against their equality, you my friend are anti-gay. You may not be hateful about it, but definitely discriminatory. On that note, when supporting businesses that give millions of dollars to hate-groups, you are also showing me you are anti-gay. Your actions are speaking louder than your words.
This brings me to Chick-Fil-A. No, CFA is not a hate group per se, but they give millions (through their foundation, WinShape) to groups that say horrible lies about the LGBT community. Groups that feel you can pray away the gay, or support ministers who say to beat away the gay or even rape it away (google them, I don't even want to discuss them as it makes me puke). These groups go further than expressing their beliefs, they discriminate against the LGBT community. They go even further when spouting lies like gays are molestors, immoral, sinners (speaking of, aren't we all sinners?), and a threat to mankind.
I was raised in the church. I understand the beliefs. I get it. I also know that Jesus would spend time with prostitutes, beggars, outcasts in general. If you are Christian, and quoting the Old Testament, then you can not really be considered Christian. Jesus wiped away the old law with the New Testament. I really don't care to get in to more a theological debate, I will win. (For the record, I am down with Jesus. Think he was a great guy.)
I am writing this more to ask one simple question- What personal harm is being done to anyone because of someone else's consentual relationships and preferences? What harm is caused by allowing equality? What harm is caused by allowing marriage, adoption, insurance and medical benefits to people that are in love? I can't think of anything.
What's harmful is continuing to discriminate and oppress individuals because they do not fit in to the Adam and Eve relationship. What's harmful is to spread lies about some of the kindest people I know, people that wouldn't hurt a fly. What's harmful is to deny millions of foster kids a chance at an awesome life with two loving parents. What's harmful is giving money to companies is do all of the above.
That is all.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Is it only Monday?

Well, It's still Monday here. Tuesday on the East Coast :)
Posting early this week, as it's going to be quite eventful. This weekend was eventful as well. Six Flags Vallejo was a lot cooler than I expected. It's like a mix between sea world and an amusement park, plus animals too- the tiger show was amazing. Never in my life have I seen a tiger swim under water... for food of course. I'm sure China would do that for her food ha. The roller coasters were crazy, but I only went on one... not sure why I always do this... think I can take dramamine and the roller coaster will be okay. Insanity. I really don't like them anymore. Happened sometime between 22 and 24- they make me sick. The dramamine keeps the vomit away, but not the feeling of dizziness and thinking I will die. Think I'll stick to rock climbing and zip lining for my thrills. Anything that doesn't require me going upside down or twirling around and I'm good.
The rest of the weekend was quite busy... laundry, babysitting the best 4 year old ever, Olympics viewings with great friends, great food, and a bit of down time. I really am blessed to be out here, and to have friends here.
I'm looking forward to this week, but things will be nonstop from now until.. well, at least September. I have my whirlwind trip to Tampa this weekend, then I will be actively seeking housing here to move first week of September. I haven't had much luck yet, but hoping that will change. People are pretty last minute out here. Like posting on craigslist for a room available... that weekend. I like to plan a bit more than that. However, I remember what I went through getting here, and if I can deal with the last minute a couple of months ago, I can deal with it now.
I am getting more excited about the trip this weekend, but there is part of me that is very sad. I wish I could combine Tampa and Tally in to one, and it's just not possible. I wish my old soul sista was going to be there, but it's highly doubtful. Nonetheless, I remain grateful. I am incredibly grateful for those who choose to show up, support me, be in my life, love me, hell- they're even throwing a party for me. Very cool :) I really couldn't ask for more.
So friends, enjoy your week. Send some positive vibes for my very short layovers (at LAX and Houston) so I can make it there in time. Not so stressed about making it back here in time, but definitely need to make it to TPA with no issues. And this will be the first time I attempt to fly carry-on only. I believe that will go down in history. I am definitely not the most simplistic when it comes to packing. I hope to prove myself wrong tomorrow night :)
Love to all, light to all

Thursday, July 26, 2012

May there be Peace within...

What to add this week... Let's see, I have officially beat the crud going around work by drinking more emergenC and airborne than should be acceptable. Work is changing, we are losing my first work friend here and will miss her terribly, but she has an opportunity she cannot pass up. I relate. If I had said no to all of the opportunities that came my way these last couple of years, I'd still be stuck in my hometown (no offense to those that are, I'm a Tallahassee lassie always) So with my supervisor's exit, I am tasked with new responsibilities to which I respond, "Yes! bring it! :)"
Since I do not wish to turn in to that person that only has a work life, I've been keeping up with my workouts, my fellowship, and friends here. Last weekend, I experienced Santa Cruz for the first time. Incredible. I highly recommend it.... On eight hours of sleep. Or any sleep for that matter. Some things do not change, me without sleep is one of those things- I am an unpleasant monster. Lesson learned.
I also celebrated a milestone tonight. A 5 year mark I would have celebrated last month, but was writing a grant til 10 that evening. It worked out the way it was supposed to. I realized that I am always right where I need to be. Always. I've also recognized this peace within... A peace I hadn't recognized on a while. No gnawing fears or anxieties, just peace. Not elation, just peace. I love it. Not sure when it came, maybe once I was still enough to feel it... I am grateful.
I head to Florida next week for graduation. That will have to be another blog entry, I still haven't wrapped my brain around how I went from high school drop out to simply wanting to finish my AA degree to the BSW to here... MPH. Many honors have come my way academically, many experiences I never expected to encounter, but it isn't about all of that- its about how far Great Spirit can bring me when I allow myself to be guided. When I allow myself to be disciplined, and believe I deserve good things. That right there is far deeper than any piece of paper or letters behind my name. And finally realizing that... Well, that's a priceless gift from above, within, without, all around...
I am grateful.
So there's my thoughts for tonight. Scattered as they may be, I allow the soul to move me. This is where I find freedom. This is where I find I am free to be me.
Love to all, light to all,

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Take flight

Wow, has it already been a week since my last post? Life here is crazy busy, but I love it. Let's see... I am writing on my lunch "break" today because I do not know when I will have time later, if that gives you an idea of the schedule I am keeping.
I did go to see Joy Harjo last week, and that was beyond incredible. There are no words to describe the experience. I highly recommend her memoir, Crazy Brave. Even better, see her read excerpts of her work, play the flute, sing her songs, brilliant. She is the epitome of who I hope to be... one day. Speaking of, I will be getting a new flute eventually. I had a beautiful Native American flute years ago, but a dog I rescued chose to eat said flute. I understand, it does look like a giant bone/chew toy. Such is life. Seeing Joy also inspired me to finish reading the book I was reading (Closure and the Law of Relationship), and get back to writing. I allowed Spirit to guide me and wrote one of the most healing pieces of work I have written in a while... I may share eventually... that requires more vulnerability.
The following day was not as calm and centered as the feeling her performance left me with... I had to work, then prepare for a camping trip. I am shocked at the time and energy prepping for camping requires. I did get an awesome tent for only $36 (this is apparently unheard of), and went through rounds and rounds of "issues" with sleeping arrangements. For those of you who do not know about my physical issues, sleeping is a bit of a problem. The first night, I could only get the air mattress hald inflated and woke up in more pain than I have felt in years. However, this could not hold me down because hiking was in order. My first hiking experience with a 4 year old is noteworthy. It involved a lot of stops, creativity games, and finally her deciding to become a hill runner so we could up our timing on the steep inclines. 3 miles of East Bay hiking felt like 10 miles of Florida hiking. Similar to Colorado, but without the high altitude issues- my lungs thank me. The next night, sleeping was a problem again. My air mattress compressor went missing (I am still baffled by why one would steal from such a nice camp ground, oh humanity...), but we figured out a way to make it work. Given that we were only 20 mins from my friend's house, we cheated. That's right. Judge me if you wish. We went home to shower, have amazing organic Chinese food, and borrow couch cushions for my second night of sleeping. Success! Having to wake up the next morning to get to a 10K in San Francisco was not as much fun... zombie. But I did it. I drove home, grabbed my tens unit, and showed up to GG Park like a champ. The Walk was highly successful- I believe over 25,000 people there to walk for AIDS. Amazing. The fact that I didn't die after all of this- even more amazing. I did have to deal with the swollen knees, but such is life.
As much as I wanted to go home and sleep the night away, I had to get myself together for a date Sunday night. Yes, I am dating. For the first time in.... well, ever. I have always just been in relationships. Or out of them. Or getting over one. Or halfway in one. So this is a nice change. The date was nice. If anything, I have made a new friend, and that's cool. It's all new to me, so I am just going with the flow, and enjoying it all along the way.
So that my friends, is one very eventful weekend in the East Bay. The week has been equally eventful with work, and workouts at The Perfect Sidekick. I also talked to an old friend/ soul sista (whatever I should call her) yesterday and it was needed. Still finding closure in certain areas, but such is life. I am realizing that regardless of other people- where they are, and how they feel, what they do or don't do- my life is great. I am able to fly. If others want to be part of this, that is great; if not, I love them anyway. And that's all on that.
Back to work :)
Love to all, light to all

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Left foot, right foot, Fly

So for my weekly update... this has probably been one of the hardest here yet. Sunday afternoon brought a heart full of sadness, with news that an amazing life was taken in a motorcycle accident. I don't really feel like discussing it, but it's just been difficult seeing all of my ladies back home (Tampa home) struggling through Sandy's death and being so far away. And feeling my own sadness as well. This is the decision I made though... to move 3,000 miles away, and live life here. With that, comes death. Even the most tragic and unexpected. I cannot simply teleport myself back to Florida, no matter how much I wish I could. All I can do is make calls for friends, answer calls and texts, do my part to help wherever I can, from here... so that's what I've done. To the best of my ability. So that was Sunday, and Monday, I went to work, but my heart and mind were in Tampa... My boss let me take my flex day on Tuesday, and she didn't even know my struggles, she just knew I was working a lot lately and had a free schedule yesterday so I got to take it. Needed it more than I knew. I also joined The Perfect Sidekick on Monday, which is something I have wanted to do since I moved here... needed that more than I knew as well (feel free to google... it's pretty bad ass)
So here I am tonight, feeling like it's been 2 weeks since Sunday, and it's only Wednesday night. One of the cool things about the timing of my move here is my friend, Kylie, from Tallahassee was out here visiting when I arrived. She introduced me to her BFF, Cassie, and Cassie's daughter, Jasia. They have become my instant fam. Last night, I went and had dinner there. Friday, I will go camping up in Redwood area with them, and enjoying some nature walks Saturday morning. I also met another cool friend here, Celia, and we will hike Saturday afternoon then head up to San Leandro for a meeting (Bob Darrell will be in town, equally bad ass.) Sunday, is the 10K AIDS Walk in SF. There's definitely not a dull moment. For that, I am truly grateful. Oh, and I get to see Joy Harjo tomorrow night at St. Paul's Episcopal :)
I think the most valuable lesson about this last month is that just because I am across the country, this does not mean everything I was dealing with in Florida has vanished... wherever I go, there I am... so I am still working on some closure stuff with a past relationship, and that is okay. I can do that today. I can walk through painful experiences, and fly at the same time. I can enjoy this beautiful life I've been given, and realize it could be over in any minute. So it's up to me to make the best of it. If that means working through old wounds to heal and find more happiness, so be it. It is what it is, and it's all good.
Love to all, light to all,

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Rockin the East Bay

When I first started this blog, I thought I would blog daily. Hilarious. Especially considering I was in grad school and working 2 and 3 jobs at the time. Oddly enough, I feel busier now working one "real world" job with no school (well, I do have a few requirements left for graduation, but that's nothing compared to 3 and 4 classes at a time) At this point, I am simply aiming to update once a week. Especially about experience of this move. It will be cool to look back on these experiences one day. It's already fun to read past blogs, and introspective. My journals, on the other hand, should not be re-read. Ever :p
So what's up with life here? It's in session, for sure. I feel like I have been here much longer than it's been (just now a month? Wow) My first week was just one giant fog. I definitely could have used a week to rest, but I hit the ground running... getting involved with the fellowships here, signing up for commitment meetings, speaking, hit two conferences (one was more of a day-long workshop deal), checking out the sites of the East Bay, going in to the city for work  at least once a week (not this week though, thank goodness!), Pride weekend, last weekend in the city for a conference, and work. Lots and lots of work. I love it! But wow. No wonder I'm tired!
I do love that I have quiet time in Oakland, but can still go in to the city when I want. And there are countless trails and hiking spots within a short drive from my house. I also just realized Santa Cruz is only an hour and a half away... I've wanted to go there for some time. Yosemite is only a couple of hours away. But I will wait until I have more than a weekend to go there. Then there are all the areas of Oakland to explore, I really like it. I thought I would prefer living in the city, but this seems to be a nice fit. Sunshine, but cool weather at night, not too much fog, but I get to see the fog over the city, a lot of hiking spots, tons of farmer markets, yoga at Lake Merritt, Piedmont, Temescal, Jack London Square, so much to explore. Oh, and free yoga at Intertribal Friendship House on Tuesday night, that will be my new Tuesday staple. And Berkeley is about 5 minutes from me as well, so that is nice to visit (at times lol) Emeryville is eh, so-so. Looks like a mini pleasantville with all the Pixar execs in their ridiculously priced houses. My street looks run down until you drive 0.5 miles and get to Emeryville. I still don't understand how the wealth is so disproportionate here. Same when you cross over to Berkeley. But that's for another time.
All in all, I'm enjoying it here. I am just tired. Energy is low. So I will sleep very well tonight, and be back on my game tomorrow :)
Oh, I should mention my 4th of July, because it was pretty awesome. I have joined these MeetUp groups... various social club type groups (not hoity toity type, that's just all I can think to compare it to), but they have them for hiking, rock climbing, LGBT events, photography, etc... So I joined the East Bay hikers the morning of July 4th at Lafayette Reservoir. Beautiful. Then, I hung with Cassie and Jasia for the rest of the day. They are in a REALLY nice area called Moraga (I'm wondering if that is what the Oakland Hills are or if it's just Moraga) but it reminds me of a little mountain town. A little too wealthy for me to feel like I'd ever live there, or be comfortable there, but it's nice. They have a great neighborhood, so it was cool to see all of the families get together for BBQ and fireworks. I love that I met Cassie and Jasia, it's like an instafamily right when I moved here :) And yes, my biological clock has been screaming at me. (I will talk more about that later, but Cass is part of Single Moms by Choice group... I am considering checking it out...5 year plan) For now, I just enjoy learning about it and thinking about my future. I am without a doubt where I belong, and that is good by me.
That's about all I've got for tonight. Nice respite from the grant I'm writing. Those who know me well can tell that this post is definitely low energy, but it's better than none :)
Love to all, Light to all,

Saturday, June 30, 2012

My work, My life...

Typically, my blogs are about life in general, lessons, growth, travels, Bear, etc... I do not write a lot about work, but I am so overjoyed and filled with gratitude and that must be shared. Also, anytime I tell anyone what I 'do', they give me this deer in the headlights look. That happened in Tampa as well. In their defense, it was difficult to explain what I did in Tampa because I had so many positions (GAships typically require a lot of tasks, and my last non-GA position was building a repository for ACS linking survivorship services in Florida with the National Survivorship Center... basically, taking an inventory of services and creating a database... ok, I will stop trying to explain that one, I lose most people at repository)
Back to the here and now... The best part about my work is how it all came to fruition for me to be where I am. I have thought about this a lot.. while it was unfolding, while I was moving, after I started and learned more about the processes that took place to even create the position I hold, etc. etc. That would be a whole chapter for another time, but it is mind-blowing, heart-exploding, surreal...
So what do I 'do'? I work for the coolest agency one can be part of (well, if you value what I value and the organization values... you get the idea). VALUE. That is a good word. The agency is so valuable to our community (Native Americans in the SF and East Bay communities) At this point, I would need to go in to detail about urban indian population and how that came about... i would suggest googling relocation, BIA, terms like that... Because that is a whole other page and I want to get to the point here. Ha, me being succinct? I am still working on that (BTW, I thank goodness for the Truman process I went though at FSU to learn how to do that... even if I choose to scratch the succinctness on my blog. It's my blog, after all)
In a nutshell, we have a large urban Indian population, over 200 tribes represented in the SF area, all in need of many services including community wellness (that is my department.. we also have youth, medical, dental, etc) The areas in community wellness include clinicians (mental health), HIV testing and referrals, various projects and programs aimed at increasing HIV testing, education, prevention, substance abuse, etc. All of my loves. (Disclaimer- I am not representing my workplace in this blog, I am representing myself, just giving a background on the awesomeness of what I do on a daily basis)
So we get to me. I am under the evaluation team, newly constructed (which I also love because I have a supervisor who VALUES my input on structure and organization). We each have grants that we are assigned to as evaluators, and what that means is I am putting my undiagnosed (yet assumed by most) OCD to work. And loving it! Anyone who knows me knows that I crave structure, clarity, smooth processes, figuring things out, asking questions, running stats, playing with data, seeing results, and most importantly making a difference, affecting change, doing my part to help out where I can. I get to do this! And make a living doing it!
The icing on the cake is what happened my first week here, and is ongoing as of today. Everyone knows I love to write. Thanks to Dr. B and other professors (mainly Dr. B!), I was given to experience of grant writing, learning the process, flow, structure. So not only am I evaluator, I have the privilege of honing my grant writing skills. Day 3 of my new position (Monday will mark 3 weeks) came with a request from my unofficial supervisor (I consider her a mentor... thank you, Esther) to locate info on a smaller grant from a new funder and begin the process for this grant. Automatically, I started questioning myself, my ability, blah. That lasted for two seconds, as I then went in to "go" mode. I knew it wouldn't be asked of me if she didn't think I could do it.
Long story short, we worked on finishing that grant until 10ish last night, and turned it in today! Shortly after turning it over, I received an email from the director (my "big supervisor"- she's a thin woman, big as in head woman in charge of our department) She's allowing me to take the lead on a much larger grant! Much larger! Due July 16! Adrenaline rush like whoa, but a calm one at the same time... I am still overwhelmed with such gratitude that all of my emotions are flowing together.
So here I am, combining my skills, in an agency that shares the same values I do, and puts the community first! I do not know which I am more excited about, but I do know it has always been a dream to be able to combine my talents- writing, organizing, running numbers, leadership, community, all of it! I never thought I could find a job that would give me the opportunity to do data and writing. I didn't even have to seek this one out, it just came to me via a woman I consider my clan mom here. (I'll have to email her this, thank you Gayle)
That, in a nut shell is what I do, and why I cannot stop getting so excited about working. There are moments when I feel guilty because I haven't even walked with my masters degree yet, and this job literally fell out of the California sky in to my lap... I really need to write a whole blog about that series of events, but that could date back years. I do think of my cohort often and pray everyone is finding rewarding jobs (spiritually and emotionally rewarding) like I have. I have finally moved from the waiting for the other shoe to drop to there is no other shoe (Jess gave me that).
And now I need to go get that grant! Whoo hoo!! If you do read my blogs, please send positive energies, prayers, whatever you do in your spiritual life, up for our department and agency. We surely could use these grants to keep serving our amazing community members! Wado! (Thank you)
Love to all, Light to all

Monday, June 25, 2012

More randoms SF is teaching me...

(disclaimer- when I say SF, I could be referring to the city or the east bay. When I say east bay, I could be referring to Oakland, Berkeley, the hills, etc)

On that note, this whole area is a gigantic megatropolis. You can drive to multiple towns (cities?) within just a few mins.
The color of the street signs determine where you are (in east bay particularly)
Never assume anything when it comes to ethnicity or gender
Polyamory- it isn't just for Mormons...
Learning how to use chop sticks is a requirement if I want to enjoy the most authentic Asian cuisine
Limes soak up grease (taco trucks)
It is acceptable and mostly necessary to barely tap a bumper when parallel parking... Actually, I think that is the purpose of bumpers
Always keep a jacket handy... But pack lightly and wear good shoes. Really good shoes. (I'm ready to donate 20 pair and buy 1 really good pair)
Cash and debit is the main way to go at most corner stores
Always keep quarters handy
Take a picture of the general area in which you are parking... You never know when they may cement a meter in to the ground and give you a ticket (yes, really happened to a coworker)
Parking tickets are $66 in east bay and $98 in the city- and you have to pay them off before you can register a vehicle
Smog checks- necessary.
Do not use your phone or read on public transit unless you are absolutely certain where you are going... You may end up at the end of the line, going in the wrong direction (not fun, but pretty sights to see!)
The smell of urine is just part of SF life, so is weed, get used to it (in this case, I do mean the city)
If you do not stop for pedestrians, prepare to be pulled over.
The above goes for bikes as well.
As a pedestrian, I can walk out in to a busy highway and the cars will stop.
At this point, please watch national lampoon's senior trip for the crossing guard scene and you will know why I giggle to myself at every crosswalk. "Go! The Cars Will Stop!" LOL
A hooker taught me how to cross the street. She was nice.
Oh, they are referred to as "sex workers"
Sex workers are generally accepted here from what I can gather. (My roommate is doing her dissertation on this, so could explain more)
Nudity is "decriminalized" in SF
I do not know the difference between decriminalized and legal
I think pot is decriminalized too? Or maybe only if you have a medical card? I'm still unclear on that. I just know not to eat anything called an edible...
This area is the most beautiful place anyone can wish to live... Mountains, beaches, lakes, trails, it's heaven really. All sides of the bay have their own pieces of Heaven and it will take me years to discover it all...
Gentrification... I had to look that up at one time.
Berkeley-ite. It's what they call them.
Hipsters and single gear bike or something like that. Basically, they rigged their bicycles to have no brakes and have to back peddle-forward peddle when stopping. I don't understand why...
Single moms by choice- coolest group ever.
6 year olds go out on the town by themselves. I've never seen such a thing. Riding the bus alone and everything. Most stick with their buddies though. I do want to tell them to respect themselves and pull their pants up. It's the old soul in me.

I'll add to this list as time goes on. Looks like I'm learning a lot for 19 days in!

Love to all, light to all


Sunday, June 24, 2012

Almost three weeks later...

I am still here :) I would say week 2 in the bay, but it feels like I've been here much longer! I have had my emotional moments, my culture shock, sticker shock, whoa moments, but I feel I am adapting...
I came out here at a great time, I was able to experience my first big Pride. Words cannot describe it. I've never seen so many people so happy to just be existing in one space, all like minded, all filled with LOVE. (At this point, if you need to google Pride, go ahead) There were more people than I am usually comfortable being around, but well worth it. The only thing I can compare it to is International friends of bill conference, but a lot more pink and rainbows ha. I also learned that nudity is decriminalized in SF. Eek. This small town girl got her eyes full! I do think it should be illegal for hairy old men- gross. But whatever.
So this was my week in a nutshell- a lot of work, an injury Monday, fought off a cold all week (I won- thank you EmergenC!), then Pride. I started the festivities by volunteering and hanging with BAAITS (Bay Area American Indian Two Spirit) on Friday night and we watched the tranny march from the 4th floor patio of the SF LGBT community center. Amazing!
Yesterday, I divided my time between a pow wow in Richmond, and Pink Saturday at Delores Park. I only got to help set up at pow wow and would have liked to stay all day. The great thing about being here is we have them all the time! I always felt I was missing that part of my culture in previous cities I lived in. Here, I get to connect and embrace my roots (as we all should!) After set up, and fry bread of course, I went over to pink Saturday. It was almost too much to handle, but I quickly found some friends and watched the march from church and 16th. I did video the dykes on bikes, but my iPhone went stupid :( I'm sure I can find it on YouTube. Goal next year- find a dyke and ride on her bike. I've been told I am cute enough to make this happen.
Today, was the big parade. I have never walked in a parade like this. What's awesome is I walked with BAAITS. We had elders in dress walking with us and many in the crowd appreciated our presence. The best part is our grand Marshall is natives, and we were near the very beginning of the parade (#9 out of like 199) which we greatly appreciate as a group. Goal next year- a float for NAHC and BAAITS- we could make it a community event for our 2Spirit work! (More about the work I do later)
I also wanted to go in to a whole other discussion now about macro insults and micro insults, but I will save that for another time. Basically, I had the opportunity to educate some people in the SF ROTC contingency about dressing as natives and booty dancing... They are not native and it was not a representation I appreciated. But I did my part by letting them know, and they apologized. I did tell them we weren't attacking or angry, just wanted to educate. I will write more on that later, as I am still learning.
I also have more to share about work and culture, but basically- I am so blessed to be here.
Oh, I was questioning whether I truly belonged here just because a series of unfortunate events occurred and I was frustrated. However, I met with the medicine man Friday and he confirmed what I already knew- the Universe has seen fit that I end up here, I am right where I belong. How many people get to work in areas they are 100% passionate about, all while learning more about heritage, and connecting to amazing people? That is simply a gift, and I am grateful to accept it.
I have so much more to say, but time for Sunday chores so I can start the week off right! Excuse any grammatical or structural errors, using iPad app and being lazy :)
Love to all, light to all

Thursday, June 14, 2012

My First Week in the "other" Bay Area...

... Definitely not the Tampa Bay Area! It hardly seems like it has only been a week since arriving in the SF Bay Area. Maybe because it has been two weeks since I left Florida. Or maybe because I have hit the ground running. Who knows? I arrived in Oakland last Wednesday, moved in to my temporary residence Thursday, and started work Monday. I use the term "moved in" loosely because I am not quite moved in, nor will I be until I find a more permanent place in September. Moving sucks. So keeps as many boxes packed as necessary is my goal.
I should also mention I am not sure what actual city I live in... Google says Oakland, Bing calls it Emeryville. Mail can be sent to either city and it comes here. This part of the Bay Area is strange like that... you go one block left, you are in Emeryville. A few blocks to the right, you get Berkeley. I can tell which city I am in at any given moment by the color of the street signs. Emeryville is blue, Berk is brown, Oaktown is green (I think). Our signs say Oakland. The USPS and some utility companies say Emeryville. Just a little odd note I wanted to mention.
So far, I have been in to "the city" (SF) two or three times? I have seen a friend from back home (Tally) a few times, and had several home cooked meals by friends. I love that. Move to a brand new city, make instant friends, or randomly have a friend from Tally show up because she has job interviews here. Awesome! I have also fallen in love with a 4 year old named Jacia and her mom, Cassie. They are a great family and I am glad to be included in their ventures.
The bulk of my adventures here so far have been work related or transportation related. I have learned what shoes are not going to work for work, and to pay attention when I get on a train. That last part is very important. I ended up at the end of the BART line (Fremont) when I needed to go 20 mins away to San Francisco. Oops! Glad my colleagues are understanding, and realize this Florida girl is definitely not in Florida anymore.
My job is beyond great. It is a big change for me because I have coworkers and supervisors who are all about empowering each other to make decisions on projects. This is much different than the land of academia. I was blessed with a great professor my last year or so of GAship, but it is still much different in this type of setting. It's difficult at times because I feel like I need to constantly ask if I can do this or that, for direction in general, etc.... when really, I can just do. As long as it is in line with our values and mission as an organization. Which is another thing... How wonderful is it to work for an organization that shares such vision. To have like-minded colleagues and community members. I can't say enough about that. Refreshing. I just have to stop doubting myself and realize I wouldn't be here if it wasn't my purpose and passion.
I am sure I am missing a lot about my first week here, but I am beyond tired. My body hasn't decided to fully adjust yet, so I am not sleeping as I should be. That will come. There is also a lot of excitement about being here, mixed with fear and anxiety, but that will pass.
Over the next few months, I do need to decide where I will ultimately settle. There are many pros to the East Bay... one major pro is it is much quieter than the city, and there are numerous nature spots right out my back door. I also have to consider my headquarters is in the East Bay. While I will be going in to the city to meet with other project staff, my office is here. Then, there is the financial piece. Everywhere is expensive here. Completely expensive. The food is cheap (thank you, Trader Joes and Berkeley Bowl) but the housing and transportation are outrageous. Go across the bridge and it is even more outrageous. I do love the city though. Luckily, I do not have to make that decision tonight, but it will be on my mind this summer as finding housing can be a lengthy process too.
For tonight, I am grateful to be here, extremely proud to be part of such an awesome community and the NAHC, and happy I made it here in one piece :) I am also grateful my China is adjusting better than I am. That's most important :)
Love to all, light to all,

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Road trippin- the whole story

So I am finally taking time to write about the logistics of this road trip. I had to rest up enough to put together two thoughts with any amount of clarity.
We started in Florida, and decided to go up to Memphis and do the I-40W route to get to Arizona. Mainly because I wanted to see a good friend in Oxford, MS, and that was on the way to Memphis (kind of)- then I also had to see Arizona.
The original plan was a full day in Sedona and a full day in the Grand Canyon, then go up to Vegas and then Oakland. That changed. We were tired, I am still tired. We spent one day doing both places in Arizona (that makes for one very long day), and then decided to head to Sequoia National Park on the way to Oakland. That stop wasn't terribly far out of the way. Between all of these places, I must go back and hike in Sedona and Sequoia. Slide Rock Park in Sedona and Lodge Pole Campground in Sequoia. I think those are the names... The beauty of being on this coast is I can go back.
I should back track and say between Memphis and Arizona, there wasn't much I was able to see because we did mostly night driving. I wanted to see the Ozarks, but need to be considerate of my driving mate (step dad) and realize that if I stopped to see it all, I would never get to my new home. I did see a lot of Oklahoma and enjoyed that more than I expected. We only had to drive through 200 or so miles of Texas so that was awesome.
My favorite drive was through Albequerque, the night lights are gorgeous. My favorite day drive is Arizona of course. Beyond beautiful.
I will be honest here and say this long a drive came with consequences. I almost hit a deer on one of my night drives, and nearly had a panic attack... this is not good when driving a 16 footer and towing a car via flatbed tow. Slamming on brakes can flip those easily, so we are blessed to be alive. The other incident occurred in Arizona. We drove the CRV through our stops and stumbled upon a nail somewhere along the way. The tire was patched and we were back on our way. The next incident (the scariest) occurred near Fresno, in a city named Visalia. As I was driving, the road shifted and the truck started shaking. This happened a lot because well, it's a big freaking truck. But then I heard sputtering and smelled rubber... yes, blown tire. I am not sure how I managed to calmly pull over, but again, we are fortunate to be alive.
Back to the logistics of the trip... Other than our designated stops, there were many stops at travel centers and I have a new found love for the ease of these centers. Shower, laundry, food, etc., a lot cheaper than hotels! We did get tired of this and the last two nights on the road were spent in hotels.
By far, the most noteworthy part of our adventure was our last night on the road. We managed to get all the way to Tracy, Ca (an hour from Oakland) without having to back up. That's apparently the worst thing you can do when towing a car. Well, we pull in to the hotel thinking the parking lot wraps all the way around and it does not. After 15 tries, 15 near jack-knifes, and a lot of expletives, my dad finally asks for help. Who does he ask? The three guys partying it up with a case of beer in the parking lot. Of course. One has a class A license. Of course. I am sure these guys are still talking about us, as this seemed to be the highlight of their week. After about a 35-point turn, and a lot of excitement, we were safely parked for the night. The next day, we dropped the trailer in Oakland, and then finally took the truck back today. What day is it?
Goodness, I am more tired after writing this all. I am sure there is more I will recall after loading pictures and such, but for now, I am grateful to be nearly settled in Oakland. At least the truck is unloaded and back to Budget. I am still slightly resentful that the tire blew and the gas was 11 miles to the gallon. Suggestion- do more research before deciding what company to use, if you must rent a truck and do it yourself. I would say use a company, but only for things that you do not mind being damaged or lost. At least this way, I know my sentimentals are safe. I may not be able to find everything right now (that's a whole other blog... my need to have everything in it's "right place") but my things are with me.
One final note- traveling with China. I am fortunate she is such an easy cat. She literally did zero kvetching throughout this whole road trip, which is more to say for myself. (Sorry for yelling at you Jon, when driving through the dust storm! Okay, and a few other times) Back to China, she would hang in the CRV when it was cool enough, ride with us other times, sleep with us, eat when she wanted, the litter did get stinky, but it all worked out. She is now happily enjoying the pillow top bed as a queen should be, waiting for me to join. Goodnight :)