Sunday, September 16, 2012

Life Lately...

Rocks! Ok, so it's rocked for a while now. I have days where I wake up and can hardly believe I live here, work here, breathe here, exist in this space... it's truly amazing. Especially when I think of where I was 7 years ago, 5 years ago... hell, just a few years ago. I was always too fearful to leave my hometown, but I did it. Then, I was scared to leave Florida, but I did it. It happened through a series of letting go, following my heart and soul, being open to the signs, seeing when doors are opening, and walking through them... Sure, there are days when I miss my family, but I do not think I will leave this space for a very long time.
I have been reflecting on a lot lately, but mainly how many people get stuck in jobs they hate, or have to settle for less than perfect conditions to bring home a paycheck... how blessed am I that is not my life. (Or privileged, as my mentor would say). Yes, I officially have a mentor at work. She's been that to me since before I started working here, but I officially asked last week. I was nervous she would laugh, or say no, that she had too much responsibility as it is, but it was the opposite. She takes her role very seriously and I am grateful. She's tough, don't get me wrong, but she cares about me, my happiness here, my progress in work, my overall well-being. Did I say I love my workplace? Not many agencies can provide me what I have with NAHC.. community, mentorship, empowerment, sense of purpose, trust, passion, the list is endless. And yes, I get paid to be a part of it all :) Don't get me wrong, I'd make more in corporate America, but what is the point in making tons of money to be miserable?
So, friends, this is life lately. I was planning for Portland next weekend, but am headed to Pittsburgh (Pa, not Ca) instead. Funny, I spent a great deal of time (before leaving FL) meditating on how I can be less rigid... I've definitely been given ample opportunities to practice flexibility. I'm not sure I was the type of person that could just say, hey, I'll go to Pittsburgh next week. So glad I am becoming less fearful and more willing to just do it. It's all growth, and it's all good.
Love to all, Light to all,

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