Monday, August 13, 2012

My acknowledgements...

Took me a while to post this one...

I acknowledge that I have hurt you. I acknowledge that I have been hurt by you.
I acknowledge that I love you unconditionally. I acknowledge that by you, I was loved deeply.
I acknowledge the uncertainty, the sadness, the grief.
I acknowledge the questioning, wondering, the truth, the deceit.
I acknowledge you, acknowledge me...
I acknowledge the oneness, in the silence, it still remains,
I acknowledge my completeness, my independence, in the absence of our unity, the connectedness holds true, I acknowledge my ties to you. Bonds that I've wished away, they remain, I acknowledge these bonds, they do not equate chains.
I am free.
Complete, a whole being.
A gentle Spirit, wounded but grounded, harmed but loving, I acknowledge the duality that exists within, the duality you have left me with.. I acknowledge where you end and I begin...

All my relations

-DBear 7/12/12

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