Saturday, August 18, 2012

Wounded Woman...

Wrote this on my way to grad weekend... just took a while to post it.. 

Wounded woman, 
I understand you’re broken, 
you have been for quite some time....
Yet you will not break me in your own pain. 
I empathize with you, have compassion for those wounds of yours. 
But I will not lay down and die, I will not let you break me, 
I will not allow your wounds to become mine. 
Wounded woman, 
I hear you’ve been hard-hearted, you’ve turned to stone. 
The icy type. 
Oh, honey, it’s so unnecessary, don’t you see? 
People want to love you and be loved, 
not be shut out by the stone you have built around you. 
I will not be broken by your stone. 
See, you’re just another brick in my wall. 
You’ve added to who I am today, wounded woman. 
You helped build me up, but will not tear me down. 
You can hurt yourself all day… I will not succumb to the pain. 
The pain you have inflicted with your words, your wounds, your inactions, your icy stone. 
I choose to melt all of it away today, won’t you do the same… 
Wounded woman, Turn those wounds around. 
Don’t go around here inflicting the pain you feel. 
Use it to heal. 
Heal self, heal others, let go of your stone, wounded woman, 
find your peace, 
spread it, 
live it. 
Become whole… 
I am.

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