Friday, August 24, 2012

More lessons from the bay area

This city is amazing, but there are always lessons to be learned.
  • Do not expect honesty, from anyone (I am sure this is a life lesson, not necessarily a metropolitan living lesson)
  • I have learned to be a good liar- "no, sorry, I do not carry cash on me."
  • Wear thick skin... just because a hooker cusses you out on International Blvd does not mean your day is ruined...
  • The apartment rental industry is extremely cut-throat... I have learned to be one of "those people."
  • It does not rain- that misty, foglike substance is exactly that- misty fog. At times, I miss a good rain.
  • Stay away from ANY freeway between the hours of 3p and 7p- sometimes, up to 10p. I cannot wait to only take public transit.
  • Do not expect California drivers to let you out in traffic, use a blinker, or do anything kind for that matter. IF they do, be grateful.
  • When driving, pay attention to the bike lanes, the pedestrian crossings, AND stop signs, stop lights, etc. It is an extremely daunting task.
  • If you are a cigarette smoker, prepare to be discriminated against. However, you can smoke your pot anywhere.
That's all I have for this post. I am currently undergoing changes at work, moving, on week 1 of gluten free, and miss my family. So this was my therapy :) Happy Friday.

Love to all, light to all,

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