Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Unity, Love, and the like

I have so many thoughts and topics going through my mind this morning, it's taken me a bit to collect my thoughts. First of all, I want to thank everyone who participated in democracy by casting their vote. Regardless of differences, thank you.
Now to my thoughts... I have been reflecting on Unity and Love. It truly saddens me when I see people who profess Love in their hearts on Sunday, but spew what appears to be hatred to the world every other day- hatred of others who love differently, hatred of a man who has tried his best to turn this country around, hatred of those who may have fallen on hard times and need help, hatred towards universal healthcare.... I'd like to think I am mistaking fear for hatred. I would like to put on my rose-colored glasses and say "no, not my friends, they couldn't possibly hate anything that resembles an act of moving forward in this country, change, embracing equality." However, I am not there yet. Why do you hate? Is it fear? Is it change? Someone fill me in here, because I am truly baffled.
Last night, I saw someone on national television say she cast her vote for a certain person because she is a Christian. I was raised in the Bible Belt. In many churches, with many ministers putting their spin on the Bible, etc. Regardless of how many ways the web of deceit is spun, it is my belief that Jesus would be feeding the poor, offering FREE healing to the sick, sitting with the outcasts... oh wait, he did those things. So if one is going to be Christian, which is believing in Jesus as their Savior, then why not do your part and live as Jesus would live? And no, going to a shelter and feeding people once a year is not what I am referring to. What I am referring to is embracing our brothers and sisters, accepting our differences, applauding when someone is awarded the "right" to pursue happiness (congrats Maine, Maryland, and Washington), enthusiastically embracing affordable healthcare, crying tears of joy when the child with cancer is no longer denied coverage, rejoicing when our elders are allowed the medicare and social security they worked so hard to have, and understanding that sometimes people fall on hard times and it is the Christian way to help them and not refer to them as "lazy." Is our system perfect? No. Are there people who abuse certain aspects of it? Absolutely. Does this mean we stop living these ideals? I hope not. So, for those of you that do live a Christian life, Live It. For those of different faiths, live it- because we are allowed that choice. We are allowed freedom of religion. Or no religion. But for the Love of all things good, Be Kind. Find a way to Unity. Be Love.
That's all.

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