Monday, October 15, 2012

When life gives you mud...

...Make a mud pie. Yes, my country girl just came out :)

Character Building. What step am I working? Where are my feet? 
These are the thoughts that stay with me whenever I am going through a difficult times. Then, my mom's favorite- "put your big girl panties on and deal with it." I need all of these right now. It's funny how life can be going along so grand and then something hits that just knocks you off your feet. For me, it's a medical issue, and the side effects of such issue. I've done enough griping about that for a few weeks. 
I have to remember I will not feel like this forever, it is simply temporary. I do not have to act on every impulse I have... to yell, to cry, to try to numb out with anything other than God... this is temporary. I am letting go, letting God, trusting that I am okay. I will be okay. Everything is okay. Even if I don't get better today, it is all okay. Right now, in this moment, I am at my dream job, receiving sweet texts from my love, breathing in the life force that is the Great Spirit, and I am okay. My feet are firmly planted, waiting for my mind to get there too. Until then, I will put my big girl panties on and deal with it.
Love to all, Light to all

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