Monday, August 1, 2011

Organizing Carla's Corner...

Today is my organization day... the day I typically organize my week. Today, I will be attempting to bring this blog together. One of the reasons it took so long to join the infamous blogosphere is because I constantly change my mind about what I want my templates to look like. Anyone remember MySpace? Yeah, I changed my page layouts more often than my great uncle changes girlfriends... we all have that "dirty old uncle."

Back to the point.. organization. This week will include general info about me, whatever you want to know, anything interesting I find necessary to include, etc. Please feel free to add any questions you would like me to answer in the comments section.
Following this week, I will have daily themes:

Monday: organizing your life. Anyone who knows me knows I am an organizer to a fault. A friend recently asked me to fed ex my organizational skills to her, so why not include them here?

Tuesday: spotlight day... this will include anyone I admire, respect, or just find interesting. Whether it be family, friend, celeb, who knows?

Wednesday: DBear/PBear mail day (This Wednesday, I will include my Warrior Story and a glimpse into the relationship that is my heart, my love story with Bear). It is a must read, for sure.

Thursday: undecided.

Friday: week-in-review of the top five news stories (maybe ten, depending on how spunky I feel.) I will either choose stories I enjoyed, or stories I find outlandish and unacceptable; usually, my politically motivated posts will contain the latter.

Saturday: creativity day, expect photography, music or poetry.

Sunday: inspirational day. Again, expect photography, music, poetry, or just random original quotes. Or some not so original quotes. After all, it is my blog.

Please post anything interesting you would enjoy to read on any of the undecided days. Okay, so Thursday is the only undecided day I have.
Also, this doesn't mean I will not be posting about my life, or about quitting smoking, which was the inspiration behind this whole blog. This just gives me a way to layout my blog and keep some organization to the madness which is my life.


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