Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Happy Birthday to PBear

Today is PBear's birthday!!! As I opened his letter, I had the biggest smile on my face because this week's drawing was extra special... clouds in the sky, each with part of my name in them (he affectionately refers to me as Dear Doctor Daughter Bear Carla McClellan Lewis in whatever order we choose,) and written about the clouds is a big LYPTS... Love you past the Sky. Yes, PBear, I love you way past the sky.
Then I realized it is PBear's birthday! Oh no! How did I not know this? Did I know and forget? I know he celebrates another special day later this year, but I did not know today was such a big day. Then I go back to smiles, because I received PBear mail on his birthday :) I love him. Truly.
So, PBear, if you are reading this, I will shut the committee down that tells me I am a horrible DBear, and just smile, knowing I can wish you a happy birthday from afar! Big Bear hugs to you, and LYPTS

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