Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Let's celebrate the things we like about ourselves!

So I see so many girls posting the photo below asking other people what they like about them. I have a better idea! Why don't we post things WE like about each of these? I'll start

1. Eyes- I like the way my eyes sparkle and have little freckles in them

2. Smile- I like that my smile is so big with a cute little crooked aspect to it

3. Face- I like the youthfulness of my face, and no acne is a plus

4. Body- I like that my body can do healthy things like hiking, swimming, walking, and biking 

5. Words- I like that I can use my words to express myself, in a beautiful way

6. Personality- I like my wit  

7. Attitude- I like that I find gratitude and the upside of everything

8. Jokes- I like that I can laugh at myself 

9. Everything- I like me?

10. Something else- I like my resiliency 

Your turn 

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