Friday, October 4, 2013

My 12 Relief Valves...

Every pressurized system needs a relief valve. There has to be a way to reduce the stress, the tension, before it becomes too much to bare. There has to be a way to find relief because if the pressure doesn't find a way out, it will make one. It will explode. It's the pressure we put on ourselves that's the hardest to bare. The pressure to be better then we already are. The pressure to be better than we think we can be. It never ever lets up. It just builds and builds and builds. (Meredith Grey) 

This has been my life lately. Just to catch you all up: lost job. thought I m found a new job. That one fell through. I may have found another new job, but 
there is an extensive waiting period. In the meantime, my car was burglarized and the most precious item I had was stolen (warrior necklace) Throw in a death and a couple of lost relationships, ridiculous amounts of judgment from people who have no clue, and we have ourselves one hell of a month. 

So, time for the positives... How have I not exploded? 
1. Lots of actual face time and phone time with friends and family
2. Service work
3. Physical exercise when I can
4. Reiki! every morning from Bear 
5. A new healthy lifestyle. 
6. Believe it or not, I'm still smoke free (9 months) Instead of grabbing sugar or diet  coke, I grab raw snap peas, green beans, carrots, celery, etc.
7. Laughter with a 2 year old!
8. New sponsees
9. travel! Free travel! I've seen more of California this month than I have all year!
10. Music
11. Netflix w/ China cuddles on the side
12. Knowing without a doubt that set backs are temporary

All in all, I really have been reminded of the important things in life and which friends truly have my back. That is a gift no amount of money can buy. Thank God because I'm poor in the monetary sense ;)

Love and light


  1. Loving that you can see the positives. Hope you will always continue to focus on the good things. Growth! LUWPTS!

  2. True. Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.

    Pressure Relief Valves
