Friday, December 5, 2014

I am a strong, beautiful, amazing woman...

Words from my older sister.
Thank God for sisters and girlfriends.
Tonight was one of those nights. Full moon + PMS = very emotional and sensitive me. On top of my typical sensitive self. 
Part of me has learned to enjoy my sensitivity. It makes me truly care about others. It brings out much empathy. 
But it's a double-edged sword. And will cut me in a heartbeat. Like tonight. All it took was one person hurting me with their words and I curled up to a ball of tears. This person is obviously someone I care deeply about, and very much want to have them in my life. But I also give them the power to bring out a very weak, emotional, hurting little girl. 
Luckily, I chose to call my sister and check on her. She reminded me I am a strong, beautiful, amazing woman. I've survived much more than someone else's razor tongue, no matter how much I love that person. 
I am strong enough to control my emotions and not let a person, the moon, or PMS get the best of me. I am warrior woman, hear me roar. 

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