Tuesday, December 30, 2014

To thine own self be true

* all material is original and can be reposted with permission*

The facade we put out into the world is just that, a facade. true growth occurs when we are willing to let people see the true being that is ourself. this is the very essence of "to thine own self be true..."

For many years in recovery, I did not really know what that quote meant... "to thine own self be true" After all, I did a moral inventory, I had gone to counseling, I wrote my inventory each night, what else was there for me to do??! For me, I had to be true in my personal relationships. I had to be true in what I was willing to accept from others. I had to be true in knowing that I deserve better than emotionally abusive relationships.
It took me years into sobriety to realize that I was being abused by someone. Being true to myself means that I am worth more than that abuse today. I can detach with love. I can be safe. I can go on from here and help others who have been in the same situation as I. I can break the silence when it will be helpful. To myself and others be true. Love and light.

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