Sunday, May 13, 2012

A letter to all daughters taking care of their mothers

Every day, there are countless adult children who care for their elderly parents. It takes a special person to do such, especially when their parents have Alzheimers, a disease that steals precious moments of mental clarity and leads the parent to become someone they never were. This mothers day, I witnessed this more than ever before as the progression of my grandmother's disease is rapidly taking her from us, more and more each day. I decided to write a letter to my mother, as if my grandmother was the author.

Dear daughter-
Today, I want to thank you. I want to acknowledge the gift you are in my life, as you have become a mother to me in recent years. I know this disease I have has caused me to be mean to you while I also depend on you for my every day needs. You work full time, feed me, clothe me, help me bathe and dress, care for me in every way possible, and have to handle the sadness that comes with me not being mentally here. I wish it were different. I wish I wasn't so difficult. Please know I do not intend to hurt you when I say mean things or express my dissatisfaction with the job you are doing. It is quite the opposite, you are doing the best job anyone could, you at here, and take care of me. I'm sure this is not what you envisioned for the later years of my life, and the retirement years of your life. I thank you and am eternally grateful. I do have the best daughter in the world and want you to know that this mothers day, and always. I love you.


1 comment:

  1. Dear Carla,
    What a beautiful writing! Yes, the disease has taken so much from G-ma Nelda and from us, but it has also given us opportunities that we would have never experienced otherwise. We have met some great, loving people as a result of reaching out to others for assistance; we have gained new knowledge; I have learned patience; we have had opportunities to help other families who deal with this disease.
    Thank you for being the sweet daughter you are and I truly hope I never have a granddaughter who has to write a similar letter to you. Mom
