I am a day late. It seems that having a daily theme for my blogs doesn't go so well, but I can't resist adding my commentary to this week's blogworthy news stories. I can already tell that I will be including more and more political stories, as I cannot resist adding my commentary to the GOP players of late, their remarks, skewed views of our nation, and downright lunacy. Yes, there will be 15 months of news stories reporting on each white-house hopeful, and I am sure each of them will have adequate time to apologize for harmful statements and/or mistakes, but I must take my time to comment. It's just who I am... So this week in the news is dedicated to some of these individuals...
Rick Santorum- I thought I would like him. I really did. After all, he agrees that the middle class has basically been screwed by the current HDIC- Head (insert your choice of expletive) In Charge- but Rick Santorum went a lot further than protesting lies and corruption. He has said the decline of our country can be attributed to arguments over marriage (same-sex) and abortion... well, well, well, Rick, I did not realize those who were fighting for same sex marriage are also the ones who cheat on their taxes, commit fraud, steal from the elderly, etc. etc. Oh yeah, they don't! The fiscally corrupt are on your side representing congress and running the state of Florida (Rick Scott, for one...)
Rick Perry- What is it about the name "Rick" ugh. This guy cannot be direct to save his life. He would be okay with same sex marriage, yet would also be okay with changing the constitution to add the wording "hetrosexual" to the definition of marriage. Lies, lies, lies. What can we expect from a guy who leads a "religious group" and is trying to combine organized religion with politics... Scary.
Michele Bachman- This woman cannot possibly be as dumb as she appears. Celebrating Elvis' birthday on the anniversary of his death? And claim that you are a Doctor? PhD does not equal JD, does it? This one just continues to baffle me. I think she needs new staff members to help her out, or she could just keep shooting herself in the foot, which is fine with me. Honestly, this woman scares me more than any of them. I pray the American people will see right through her.
So that's all I've got today. The rest of my day will be dedicated to cooking, cleaning, rollerblading, and relaxing. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and as always, remember to FLY
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