Friday, January 2, 2015

New Year's Solutions...

It appears that last year I forgot to write my new year's resolutions for 2014. Likely because I had just moved back to Tallahassee. This year, I am starting off the new year working on my health first and foremost. Not the typical resolution like oh I want to lose 5 or 10 pounds, but finding solutions that work for me without relying on Western medicine. This includes making about 50% of my meals and not relying on prepared foods. (It would be unrealistic to say 100%, I have to build up to that) This also includes continuing daily Reiki even if its only for 5 to 10 minutes a day. I would love for my chronic conditions to be gone by 2016... or at least minimized.
The next solution is ridding myself of toxic relationships, finally. One in particular, that I have gone back and forth to for years. Until this person can prove to me that they are no longer toxic in my life, I will just have to love them from a distance. I can love someone without being best friends with them. We can make small talk without spending hours on the phone or talking daily. We can run in the same circles without being connected at the hip.
The upside of the solution is I can add healthy relationships. Starting with my circle of friends that will be at my vision board party this coming Wednesday night. These are healthy, honest, decent friends. Actually, they are a damn good group of young women and I am honored to host them in my home. Hopefully, I can commit to weekly walks with my spiritual sponsor, Susan.
My next solution will be to continue to keep my side of the street clean and live in gratitude. Yes, 2014 was really hell, literally a living hell. But I could easily have made it a little better by finding more gratitude in the situations. I also owe some amends and will be working on those with my trusted friends.
Lastly, keeping my commitments. This includes choir (especially signing out of rehearsals when I will not be there instead of just not showing up.) Continuing my DBT class. And continuing my gym commitment to myself, my trainer, and my workout buddies. I will actually have two gym memberships and am very excited about this. Thank you to one person who is providing my continued time at golds.
I think these are all realistic and achievable goals and solutions for the New Year. I also have other projects I will be working on but I'm not ready to discuss. I would love to hear your goals for the New Year please comment below or send me a message. As always love and light

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