Thursday, August 2, 2012

An open letter to all who are open enough to read it...

Since this blog's inception, I think I have written one political post. Maybe two. This is surprising, as I am highly involved in politics, social justice, equality, basically anything that has to do with humankind. I am pro-people, including LGBT communities, marriages, adoptions, etc. However, I do not hate you if you do not agree.
What disturbs me is people donating money to hate groups, spreading lies about individuals that are not "normal" because they love differently. What disturbs me is when anti-gays do everything in their power to put a stop to gay marriage where it exists and ban it where it doesn't exist. And I hate to break it to you, but if you say you love the gays, yet vote against their equality, you my friend are anti-gay. You may not be hateful about it, but definitely discriminatory. On that note, when supporting businesses that give millions of dollars to hate-groups, you are also showing me you are anti-gay. Your actions are speaking louder than your words.
This brings me to Chick-Fil-A. No, CFA is not a hate group per se, but they give millions (through their foundation, WinShape) to groups that say horrible lies about the LGBT community. Groups that feel you can pray away the gay, or support ministers who say to beat away the gay or even rape it away (google them, I don't even want to discuss them as it makes me puke). These groups go further than expressing their beliefs, they discriminate against the LGBT community. They go even further when spouting lies like gays are molestors, immoral, sinners (speaking of, aren't we all sinners?), and a threat to mankind.
I was raised in the church. I understand the beliefs. I get it. I also know that Jesus would spend time with prostitutes, beggars, outcasts in general. If you are Christian, and quoting the Old Testament, then you can not really be considered Christian. Jesus wiped away the old law with the New Testament. I really don't care to get in to more a theological debate, I will win. (For the record, I am down with Jesus. Think he was a great guy.)
I am writing this more to ask one simple question- What personal harm is being done to anyone because of someone else's consentual relationships and preferences? What harm is caused by allowing equality? What harm is caused by allowing marriage, adoption, insurance and medical benefits to people that are in love? I can't think of anything.
What's harmful is continuing to discriminate and oppress individuals because they do not fit in to the Adam and Eve relationship. What's harmful is to spread lies about some of the kindest people I know, people that wouldn't hurt a fly. What's harmful is to deny millions of foster kids a chance at an awesome life with two loving parents. What's harmful is giving money to companies is do all of the above.
That is all.


  1. Amen Carla, I couldn't agree more.


  2. Well stated and so true!

  3. Well said Carla. Jesus hates the devil. He loves people.
