When I began the journey of the blogosphere, just two short weeks ago, I decided to have daily themes. I am unsure how often I will adhere to said themes, but today is spotlight Tuesday... a blog written about someone I admire, love, find interesting, or find it necessary to rave about. Today is for one of my favorite authors. She is with me almost daily... either when I am disciplined enough to read my meditation book or when I come to a challenge.... I know most often where to turn. Melody Beattie, author of numerous spiritual books (I never liked the term "self help"), namely CoDependent No More, The Language of Letting Go, and my personal favorite, 52 Weeks of Conscious Contact: Meditations for Connecting with God, Self & Others.
To list everything I love about this author would shortchange her and myself, but I will simply say she puts the most difficult, annoying, or outright disturbing life situations in a way I can handle them... by focusing on the values and lessons that come from the challenges. She combines 12 Step programs, Eastern religions, and Christian ideals into the most thought provoking and inspiring works, all of which help countless readers from all walks of life. What is most appreciated by myself is how Ms. Beattie uses her own life experiences to help others- whether it be divorce, addiction, the loss of a child, financial struggles, she does not sugar coat her own pain to spare her ego; rather, she uses these struggles to show readers how there is a way to "deal," not only "deal" but find that special place. That place which is hard to describe, but where I know I am going to be all right. The way to this place comes as she puts it... with my own twists thrown into the paraphrase... it's finding a balance between working hard and letting go; finding a place where everything is okay, even the painful times in life; allowing ourselves to leave childish behaviors behind, but become childlike; most importantly finding the place of Conscious Contact, Nirvana, contentment, whatever you would like to call it, and doing so by practicing simple values in life.
Another joy I have found is her writings are applicable to ALL. How many times have I heard people of various religions say, "I wish everyone had our religion" or of 12 step programs say, "I wish everyone had our steps?" Fortunately, everyone can have all of the ideals underlying each of these religions or programs. All it takes is discipline, inquiry into oneself, and an openness to seek and soak up the personal experiences and wisdom of a person like Melody Beattie. My days go a lot better when she joins my morning time, it's just a matter of practicing this habit on a regular basis.
It would be remiss of me not to mention who gave me my first introduction to this author. So thank you, soul sista, you know who you are. I see our relationship, and many others, flourish from incorporating these daily principles and values into our own lives.
So there you have it, my spotlight Tuesday. May you all be blessed and don't forget to FLY
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