Discernment: n. keen perception or judgment. From discern and -ment
Discern: 1. to perceive by the sight or some other sense or by the intellect; see, recognize, or apprehend; to distinguish mentally; recognize as distinct or different.
-Ment: a suffix of nouns, often concrete, denoting an action or resulting state (abridgment; refreshment), a product (fragment), or means (ornament).
Notice the words above which are italicized. This is because I like them. Although I have been called "too sensitive" but clearly, it can be a good trait. Okay, back to discernment. I was originally thinking of balance as my word for the day, or priority, or duty. I realized that before balance, one must discern what to make a priority. One must have some insight into the act of balancing before they can begin such an arduous task.
How did I arrive to balance and discernment as my words today? Naturally, I sign up for more than I am capable of handling. I try to be ten million things to everyone. I end up feeling taken advantage of, but then realize the willing can only be taken for granted. I cannot surely think one is taking advantage of me when I am a willing participant. So in comes the discernment. Why do I sign up to do other people's tasks for them? Why do I stick my hand out when I am barely floating above water in my own pool of life? Is it because I genuinely want to help? Or is it because I am looking for a pay off, I am hoping I will be appreciated or my ego will be fed? Enter discernment again. All of these things require a certain amount of insight and judgment. Whether it be a to-do list, taking on additional tasks, knowing who is using you, who you can trust, etc. etc.
As far as where we receive such discernment, there are various schools of thought on this. I am aware the Bible speaks of the Spiritual Gift of Discernment. I do not recall what is said verbatim, but I know it's in there. I believe we all have this gift to some extent. It goes back to a very fundamental area of child rearing- teaching your child what is right and wrong. So if we learn this early in life, how does one develop discernment? I cannot speak for anyone else, but for me, experience and guidance... Learning life lessons as time goes on. The test is not knowing how to discern though, it is using this gift in my daily life... deciding to do it. Deciding that it is better to live life aware and seek insight in order to live a manageable life. Right thought. Right Action. Discernment.
Share your thoughts if you will.
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