Friday's theme is my top 5 (or 10 if I am feeling ambitious) news stories...
Everyone can already expect politics to be in these posts, but I will have 15 months to blog on that topic, so I will refrain.... Ok, maybe not...
#5. Iowa. Wow... talk about a headache. If this is all the GOP has to offer, the conservatives are in trouble. There are a couple I could deal with... Ron Paul, possibly Herman (I need to study him more), and I like Santorum's quote "leadership over showmanship" but that is all last night seemed to be.. showmanship.. Not who will do what and how, but what isn't being done now... complain, complain, complain... and one of the frontrunners is in Congress and has the power to change the economy NOW... so why isn't she? Because she is being submissive to her husband? Because she is too focused on "conversion therapy" for gays? Because she is too busy covering up her lies about receiving federal funding or ignoring those questions? God bless the good ol USA... Oh, and I will not even begin to speak of Gov. Perry, the "minister" who will announce his candidacy on Saturday... are we in church? Or are we focusing on government? Nothing against the church, but I am all about separation...
#4. Facebook has access to our contact list... Are we that surprised? Facebook knows everything about us. My advice: do the best you can to remove your numbers from lists, keep your network secure, and may the force be with you...
#3. True story... olympic hopeful is kicked off of U.S. ski team for urinating on an 11 year old girl. Yes. 18 year old Robert "Sandy" Vietz was too drunk to make it to the restroom on a flight from Portland to NY and peed on a sleeping child. Wow. Was he kicked off for drunkenness or for urinating? You decide... "I was drunk. I did not realize I was 'pissing' on her leg" ... Nice choice of words buddy. You get my top 5 because of the "shocker" fact. Enjoy your future... and if drinking continues to be a problem, find the nearest AA meeting..
#2. The Postal Service may be cutting another 120,000 jobs. The reason this is in my top 5 is because the postal service was good to my father. They employeed many Vietnam Vets when they came back and I hate to see them struggling like this. Also, I rely on my PBear every Wednesday and do not wish to suffer any delays :)
#1. For this week's #1 story, which just blows my mind, 30 US soldiers killed in Afghanistan after their helicopter was shot down... the kicker... this helicopter was carrying members of the Seals 6 (same team credited for "getting" bin Laden.) At first, I thought, is this some kind of universal karma? Or is it more? Was there a conspiracy? Or was it just wrong place, wrong time? I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts of this one!
And that's my 5 blogworthy news stories of the week. I could add much more, but I have house cleaning to do and company coming in town. So feel free to comment. If you do not have a google account, you can always post as "anonymous" and sign your name. Or not. Up to you.
As always, have a great day, and don't forget to FLY <3
Regarding the postal service closing offices: this saddens my heart. "Back in the day" the post office was a gathering spot for some people and was the only social outlet for the day. It was a great place to see your neighbors and friends! Actually, I have met some very nice people standing in lines at the post office counter! ~Belinda (THIS IS POSTED AS ANONYMOUS only because I don't know how to post otherwise)