Sunday, February 5, 2012

A note of gratitude

How blessed am I... I didn't even know, until I went through a place of such despair that all I can see is my blessings through the pain. A couple of days ago, I lost my best friend, the feeling is like a death. In all reality, I lost her long ago, but the final stake to the heart occurred night before last. I stayed up until 4am crying, went to sleep, up again at 8am... During this time, I texted, I called, I wrote, and within just a few hours, I had friends surrounding me. Friends calling, sending funny pictures, cheering me up, asking me to hang out... I didn't even have to explain the situation, they were just here. They are here. All I said is grieving a loss, and they all surround me with this blanket of love. The pain is still so thick I can barely breathe. I will not discuss the details, but I will say this has been an ongoing thing... on again, off again, for years. Yet, this friend was a permanent fixture in my life.. a daily confidant. And she's gone. With no goodbye, no closure, just an abrupt disappearance. You can imagine the pain. Yet through the pain, I have been able to write, connect, soak up the love. I can barely focus on work and school, but I can appreciate the connections I have... the friends who are truly friends and who truly love me for me. Thank you. You know who you are. Love, Me.

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