Friday, January 10, 2014

Are you my granddaughter?

Those four words... I wondered when I would hear them. They didn't make me cry as I anticipated they would... But did take me by surprise. See, my grandmother has Alzheimer's (as many of you know). She was diagnosed in late 2005 and it's been a slow process. Throughout all of it, we have remained very close. I'm her only granddaughter and we've always had a very special bond. When I moved to Tampa, she thought I was just on vacation. When I moved to California, she started thinking my photos in her bedroom were talking to her, likely because I skyped her almost weekly. Now that I'm back, she's happy but a bit confused. I'm sure it will get better and I'll likely journal along the way. For now, I will have her Thursdays-Sundays. Last night was her first night at my place. She asked at least 10 times if she had been here before. Little does she know this is the house I was raised in. She would come here to help my mom take care of us multiple times throughout my youth. She also asks if my brother lives here... He's in Portland. But all together, she enjoys the time. Holding my 15 year old cat, vaguely remembering her from the last time she held her. Tonight she will likely look for her room a few times and get lost looking for the bathroom, but it will be ok. Because I am her granddaughter and I'm here to show her the way. 
Love and Light


  1. As difficult and sad as this is, you are building special memories for yourself. One day you will flash back through these times in your mind and a smile will be on your lips before a tear is in your eye.

  2. I'm glad you have these special times with her! :-) I'm looking forward to our walk next month! :-)
