Thursday, September 15, 2011

These things I know are true...

There will always be those who are unkind, be kind to them anyway...
People may not appreciate you for what you do, do good deeds anyway...
Your thoughtfulness may not be reciprocated, appreciate those who surround you anyway...
There will always be those who take advantage of your generosity, be helpful anyway...
Because it isn't about the recognition or the reciprocation,
It's about doing what you love, loving what you do, giving with a smile, having a grateful attitude...
Remember these things always...
Love with your whole heart,
Be Kind,
Give of yourself,
Send a thank you note,
Write a poem,
Share a blessing,
Half a sorrow,
Apologize genuinely... 
For we never know when today is our last, do not take for granted that "there's always tomorrow..."

Just my thoughts today... since I haven't written in a while. FLY

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