Friday, September 16, 2011

Blogworthy news..Assumptions, Forgiveness, and Compassion...

So I am finally back on track (for now) with this week's news in review. I had to take today to write because some of the stories of the past couple of weeks are just infuriating, frustrating, and absurd. Thankfully, there are two stories which offset the anger and sadness I felt from reading the first two. Enjoy.... And feel free to add your own commentary..

This first story was from the 9/11. I had the priveledge of flying from Denver to Tampa that day; the good news was the flights were not full, lines were not long, and every flight ran on time. The not so fun part was the heightened security and the racial profiling that followed. I noticed at Denver airport, there were many people pulled aside and tested for explosive residue on their hands. To my surprise, there were only white males being tested (that I saw.) Then when I got home, I found this story
Absurd! A house wife is handcuffed for simply having the wrong color skin and sitting in the wrong seat at the wrong time. This is just infuriating. I feel sad for her and all the individuals who have encountered this type of treatment since 9/11/01. It is sad for our country. Most of our country has remained united since that tragic day, but what about those individuals who are part of our country but do not share an American heritage? Do they deserve fear?

The next story is equally absurd and has been circulating for a while, but because his execution date is fast approaching, I think it is important to raise awareness! If you have not heard of Troy Davis, he was convicted of killing a police officer in Georgia and sentenced to death in 1991. Since his trial and sentencing, several witnesses have stepped forward and say they were pressured to give the police Troy's name (one was 16 years old at the time of interrogation), and many have pointed the finger at another suspect. Yet, he is still set to be executed. I will spare the length of the story, as you can visit it on many sites and sign the petition at or (or Below)
Free Troy Davis

After these two stories, I must switch to a more positive side of the news. My most inspirational and uplifting blogworthy news this week is an article about a dear friend of mine, Agnes Furey. (I am late, I know... the story was published 9/3) It's her story, one of forgiving the unthinkable. Any commentary I add will fall far short of what this story deserves, so I will just say this.... YOU MUST READ IT! (see below) I have not been so touched by one article in my entire life. I am unsure if it is because I know this woman and my heart hurts for her past, or if it is because of how difficult forgiveness is for me personally... and I have never had to imagine forgiving someone for something this terrible... Either way, it is a must read. God bless you, "Miss" Agnes, I am eternally grateful to you for your friendship, compassion, and example of forgiveness...

Forgiving a Terrible Thing...

If the above doesn't work, click here for another version...

Finally, it would be remiss of me to post this week without any remembrance of 9/11, aside from the absurdity of the housewife who was handcuffed on the ten year anniversary. It is with great pride of my hometown, and my friend Aaron's dad, Jack Levine that I post the following story. It moved me to tears, and left me pondering the many, many lives and stories that must have been changed forever on 9/11/01. Whether directly or indirectly, I feel our country gained a little more unity that day, and compassion for our brothers and sisters. At least this is the case with the following 9/11 story... God bless you, Jack Levine, and to Keith and his family- bless you, wherever you are...

9/11 memory stirs compassion

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