Friday, November 22, 2013

Who says you can't go home?

Two blogs in one night... It's been a while. Let me preface this entry by saying I am a grown woman and need nobody's approval of any life decision I make. However, it has been quite interesting to see and hear the reactions of people finding out I am leaving SF to return to my hometown. That's right. I am coming home. Reponses range from "Why??!" to "Yes, come on home! We want you back" (that's been the main theme from those closest to me). But those who still live in my hometown and feel "stuck" there or those who live out here and can't imagine living in the south rightfully question my decision to return. 
When it comes down to it, I am making a decision based on the benefits outweighing the risks so to speak. Are there downsides of being in a non-progressive state? Absolutely. Are there downsides of being thousands of miles away from family? Most definitely. When it comes to my reasons, there are many. Some are too personal for discussion here. I will say it's the best move financially, professionally, physically, Spiritually, and emotionally. And that is that.
But feel free to continue responding on both ends of the spectrum, I find these responses quite entertaining. And if you're unhappy in your hometown, move. I did. I've been gone nearly 4 years and I'm ready to come settle down for a while.
Love and Light 

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