Saturday, August 3, 2013

"Things will be different tomorrow"

This is a saying I heard very early on and I'm grateful I've always held on to this.. Things are different today. I chose actions that have made this a great day! I suited up, showed my face to save my a... You get the idea :)
I had the privilege of attending a women's recovery conference and then spending time on Creations by Carla as my mom calls it (see? Started as a cardboard box)
And now I have someone who is my first customer. I will be creating something in honor of her mother. I absolutely LOVE creating art from various "stuff" so I'm in Heaven at the moment :) 
See, much different than the depression that engulfed me all week. So grateful for the "this too shall pass"
And thank you to all the friends and family who reached out to me last night
Love and Light

1 comment:

  1. Love the attitude, love the fact that you can put on those big girl panties and follow what you know is best.
