Sunday, August 11, 2013

Miracles happen here... the growth I randomly discovered from a passage written long ago...

Tonight, I decided it was finally time to go through my computer and start piecing together the book I have wanted to write forever... I was amazed at some of the things I found... dark poems from times in my life where the emotional turmoil was so great, I could only write (I'm like Adele.. I write "hits" when heartbroken).. and other pieces I completely forgot about... The beauty in this is I can see the growth. I see where I was so down and depressed that no matter what happens today, I do not have to reach that emotional bottom.
The following was written December 23, 2010... (I haven't even gone through my paper journals dating back to 2005)-- yes, some of the post below is extremely personal, but if I am going to write this book, I have to practice my transparency more and more each day. I am grateful to have become the woman I describe in the last paragraph, the flameless candle that shines rather than burns, the candle that has found her freedom. Love and Light, Me.

"Some fight with their fists, others use words. Whether the words are cruel or manipulative, silence or screaming, these are the worst wounds to heal. The emotional wounds, much more difficult than the physical. All of my life, I have been exposed to various forms of abuse. Though the early parts of my abuse history were not of my choosing and were completely out of my control, I have attracted the same type of abusive characters into this drama that is my life. In these relationships, I would stay longer when I should have gone, I would egg on the fights, spitting out words sharper than razor blades, repeating the cycle as so many do. Before sobriety, I hit back. Then I would just hit. Or throw things. After getting sober, I decided this must change. What I did not realize is that I still carry within me the capacity to abuse, the worst possible type: the emotional. I carry within me the need to take hostages, the need to have possession, the need to show my victim that she is the most important person in the world and expect her to show me the same. I carry within my the jealousy of a scorned lover, and will make you feel like you are going crazy because I feel I am going crazy and nobody wants to get on that train alone. I carry within me the desperation of a child who was abandoned, neglected, beat down, rejected… a child that just wants to be loved, protected, acknowledged, appreciated, wanted.

I must stop fighting. I must stop this cycle.

Although I do carry these rather unpleasant parts of myself, I am realizing there are parts of me that can be of use. There is the selflessness, the thoughtfulness, the caretaker self. There is the part of me that can lift another’s soul and spirit. I carry within me a battered and broken, but enormous heart, with more room for love than heartache.  So where is the balance? All of these parts can be manipulated to my own selfish ends, so I must find the balance of shining without burning. A bright light that is safe to be near. Not a flame. Rather, a flameless candle. One that shines so bright with thoughtfulness and selflessness, not expecting the same in return and burning you if you do not meet said expectations. This is my prayer, that I become this person. Maybe then, my soul will finally get a glimpse of freedom, health, and become whole." 
© Carla McClellan, 2010

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