Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The waiting game...

So for those who have been following my flight experiences this week, be prepared for another fun time... I'm now on a plane but waiting... Similar to getting out of SFO, but this time for a weather delay. We will at least be sitting for an hour... As long as its not 3 hours, we will not have to deplane. And as long as we do not deplane, the flight will not be cancelled. And as long as the flight is not cancelled, my luggage will stay with me...
What is it with my luck this week?
The bright side is I had a wonderful conversation with Bear, reflecting on all of the amazing possibilities and opportunities that opened up this weekend. All because I flew home to surprise him. And my mom through a Sunday dinner in which many people connected and have created healthy bonds. I'd go in to more detail but most of that is their place to tell. I'm just extremely grateful for people in my life healing other people in my life, pathways of communication and trust being built, and relationships being established. I also strengthened a relationship with one of my (now) closest friends, love you Margit, and am grateful! Super grateful.
Sure. There were downsides to the trip, all the flight delays, some issues with my biological family, some sad times, and me needing to remember to practice principles in ALL my affairs (I'm stubborn, and impatient, what can I say?) but I choose to see the good today. Hope you all do too. 
And another good lesson- if you're angry or resentful, get over it. Life's too short not to! Too much love in the world to have hate in our hearts. If there is someone you are closed off to, create a possibility to make it right. Just do it. Live like there isn't a tomorrow! Because today is all we really have.
Love to all, light to all, 

1 comment:

  1. And... the follow up of this.... Flight was cancelled, stuck in Charlotte for the night. However, because of this, I met a kid who was headed to rehab in Palm Springs. He's 18, just got out of detox in Ohio. Heroin. I was able to give him some tips and connect him with someone I know in Palm Springs. How cool is that? See, always something positive out of negative :)
