So I'm back. Woosah. Feels good to be home. Now that I am back, the changes I began implementing before take-off are now in full-force. What changes, you may ask? Lifestyle. But of course. I have now been 6 months without cigarettes, so it is time to do something about the weight. (For those of you who haven't known me long, this is the largest I have been in years. Am I obese? No. Am I uncomfortable? Yes)
So.... solution. Many of you know I have tried everything under the sun. But I really am in to a lifestyle shift today, not a diet, or a fad. I had nonstop classes at the gym lined up this week, but I am no longer going to that particular gym due to poor customer service (lower than poor, but that's for another blog). What is funny though is my herbalist/acupuncturist advised against EVERYTHING I was doing in the first place, it was actually making me worse due to my adrenal and liver function issues. Working out hard core for 50-60 minutes is not what he wants me to do. He advises I do 20 minutes here and there throughout the day. Which is funny because when I was doing that before, I was in the best shape of my life.
Now the food... this is where the major shift will take place. I am nearly vegetarian now. Not by choice. I love, love, love meat. But again, based on my health condition, metabolic age (49!!), and body type, it is recommended I eat 40% veggies, 30-40% whole grains, 15-20% animal, 5-10% fruit, something drastic like this. It's hilarious I call this drastic when I used to go on crazy Atkins diets. However, this is complete opposite of what I've been doing. Which may explain how I got to where I am now... uncomfortable.
So here goes nothing!
Oh, other recommendations include 3 cups of green tea a day, no soda (even diet, which I had been good about avoiding unless on vacation), 64 ounces of room temperature water (the colder the water, the slower the metabolism, or something), and the times of eating have totally changed! Breakfast before 10, Lunch around 11:30, Snack around 2, Dinner between 5 and 6, snack before bed (that is against everything I know... eating after 7? What?) But he is trained in eastern med and I trust him. I also know I feel great so far! And that's without even working out. Just having 12 or so days of this new way of eating.
I also have to add this is the exact way I was supposed to eat based on my blood type, and what type of oxidizer I am. However, I was too stubborn to do it.
Glad to let go of stubbornness and be open to a world of possibilities. Even enjoying (craving!) raw veggies, grilled eggplant!, veggie sandwiches, etc. So grateful.
So that's all :) No big deal
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