Monday, June 25, 2012

More randoms SF is teaching me...

(disclaimer- when I say SF, I could be referring to the city or the east bay. When I say east bay, I could be referring to Oakland, Berkeley, the hills, etc)

On that note, this whole area is a gigantic megatropolis. You can drive to multiple towns (cities?) within just a few mins.
The color of the street signs determine where you are (in east bay particularly)
Never assume anything when it comes to ethnicity or gender
Polyamory- it isn't just for Mormons...
Learning how to use chop sticks is a requirement if I want to enjoy the most authentic Asian cuisine
Limes soak up grease (taco trucks)
It is acceptable and mostly necessary to barely tap a bumper when parallel parking... Actually, I think that is the purpose of bumpers
Always keep a jacket handy... But pack lightly and wear good shoes. Really good shoes. (I'm ready to donate 20 pair and buy 1 really good pair)
Cash and debit is the main way to go at most corner stores
Always keep quarters handy
Take a picture of the general area in which you are parking... You never know when they may cement a meter in to the ground and give you a ticket (yes, really happened to a coworker)
Parking tickets are $66 in east bay and $98 in the city- and you have to pay them off before you can register a vehicle
Smog checks- necessary.
Do not use your phone or read on public transit unless you are absolutely certain where you are going... You may end up at the end of the line, going in the wrong direction (not fun, but pretty sights to see!)
The smell of urine is just part of SF life, so is weed, get used to it (in this case, I do mean the city)
If you do not stop for pedestrians, prepare to be pulled over.
The above goes for bikes as well.
As a pedestrian, I can walk out in to a busy highway and the cars will stop.
At this point, please watch national lampoon's senior trip for the crossing guard scene and you will know why I giggle to myself at every crosswalk. "Go! The Cars Will Stop!" LOL
A hooker taught me how to cross the street. She was nice.
Oh, they are referred to as "sex workers"
Sex workers are generally accepted here from what I can gather. (My roommate is doing her dissertation on this, so could explain more)
Nudity is "decriminalized" in SF
I do not know the difference between decriminalized and legal
I think pot is decriminalized too? Or maybe only if you have a medical card? I'm still unclear on that. I just know not to eat anything called an edible...
This area is the most beautiful place anyone can wish to live... Mountains, beaches, lakes, trails, it's heaven really. All sides of the bay have their own pieces of Heaven and it will take me years to discover it all...
Gentrification... I had to look that up at one time.
Berkeley-ite. It's what they call them.
Hipsters and single gear bike or something like that. Basically, they rigged their bicycles to have no brakes and have to back peddle-forward peddle when stopping. I don't understand why...
Single moms by choice- coolest group ever.
6 year olds go out on the town by themselves. I've never seen such a thing. Riding the bus alone and everything. Most stick with their buddies though. I do want to tell them to respect themselves and pull their pants up. It's the old soul in me.

I'll add to this list as time goes on. Looks like I'm learning a lot for 19 days in!

Love to all, light to all


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