Thursday, December 26, 2013

Back in tally week 1

So I've been back for 8 days and it feels like a month. A trusted friend told me not to overcommit myself to things so quickly.. She knows me so well...
I am happy to say I am completely unpacked, I just need a desk, bookshelves, washer dryer, clothes that fit, etc. fingers crossed the job works out and I can start filling the house with necessities. For now, Grandma's room is set up, my room, living room, and kitchen. The necessities. We also have a schedule with grandma that should work (For those who don't know, my Grandma is my heart and the main reason for my return. Her Alzheimer's is progressing rapidly and I want to be here to follow through on the commitment I made in 2005...
Speaking of commitments, I have already worked out a mtg schedule, chairing a regular Tuesday night, going to others Mondays and Fridays, have joined the choir at St John's and that will take up Wednesdays and Sundays. To think, I was worried I'd be bored. On, and we had Christmas. Did I mention I arrived last week? Crazy. Roller derby will take a seat. Walking and biking will resume ASAP.
I slept all night last night, all day today, and just took more Benadryl so I'm near sleep now. Hope this was coherent. Small update. Will add more later
Love and light 

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