So I haven't left yet and I'm realizing I can't do that before I write about my experiences here in the Bay. What a ride. I traveled during a large part of my time here but while I was here, I lived every minute of it to the fullest. Well, except for those "I just need Netflix, take out, and China" days :)
I was very lucky to have a family here that somewhat adopted me when I moved out. Kylie, Cass, and Jasia, I'm looking at you!! Seriously. The best. I look forward to coming back every April for Jasia's birthday parties and will be booking my first trip out as soon as I get back to Florida. We had many great times, my skin thickened a LOT, I learned Cass talk, and most importantly, a little Brazilian girl stole my heart while teaching me Portuguese. I cannot wait to know what people are saying when we head to the Olympics in 2016! Heck, even what's being said at the commune will be good :)
My time here also came with meeting a lot of new friends, a few who will most definitely be forever friends. KMing and Joy Tyler, I freaking love you both. So much. In all your indecisiveness, Kristin, you are going to be a kick ass psychologist one day ;) Joy, you are a strong, beautiful woman who speaks nothing but truth and I love that! I of course do not want to overlook my other friends here but you ladies taught me a lot, listened to me sort out my nonexistent wanna-be love life, and complain about the flaky people of the Bay :) Mostly, you both taught me very different life lessons in your own way.
I also had many lessons come in the form of difficult times, but I'm glad to know I survived and held my head high.
Today, I was able to return to the place I moved out here for (work) and say my goodbyes with no shame, sadness, or any negative emotion whatsoever. Rather, I was happy for the lessons, super grateful for being laid off, and lucky to have forever friends in some of my former coworkers.
I won't say any of this has been easy. There have been many lonely times, homesickness, theft of a very special item that I may never get back, and some difficult dating drama... But it's all good in the hood. Always.
I also have to give a hella loud shout out to Deak! This girl. Man. She came to my rescue when I was paralyzed by the move and what it all entails. Never enough words, lady, but I'll see you in Florida for sure!
So for those who visit SF, make sure you come see this place I call home for 12 more hours. Because I hella love Oakland and am grateful for the memories.
Love and Light