Friday, April 5, 2013

Surviving Saturn Return

Wow, it's been forever. Life is in session. I'm working a lot, playing softball now, hiking on a regular basis, hockey on and off, dating a bit, and have added an additional blog to my life. It's more focused on one topic, lifestyle changes pertaining to health. The main difference is I'm writing anonymously. I will share it here when I am ready. About 5 people are aware I am the author (and that the blog even exists)
So that's all. Just wanted to check in.
I've been in a funky space lately... Contemplating relationships. Love. Soul mates. What if I missed out on mine? Do we have but One? Or many? There's only one I considered to be my complete soul mate, that I was completely comfortable with and trusted with my life, the intimacy was complete but it was more than a sexual attraction. It was real intimacy. A mutual in-to-me-see. I wonder if that will exist in my life again. If I can have that in a friend and lover and them be one and the same. If not, I'll be grateful for the one I missed. I would say the one that got away, but we never really had each other. Just the idea of each other. The soul connection. The past life where we were one forever, and it lasted...
All I know is I deserve love, I deserve happiness, and it's time for me to fully believe that. To forgive those who have killed my spirit. Or tried to...

It's my 28th year. And it's almost over. They say life is upside down in this year. They also say if the lessons aren't learned, they will be repeated over and over again through the next 7 years. My goal in the next 6 weeks is to learn the damn lesson.

And act like I've learned it.

Love to all. Light to all.

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