Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Left foot, right foot, Fly

So for my weekly update... this has probably been one of the hardest here yet. Sunday afternoon brought a heart full of sadness, with news that an amazing life was taken in a motorcycle accident. I don't really feel like discussing it, but it's just been difficult seeing all of my ladies back home (Tampa home) struggling through Sandy's death and being so far away. And feeling my own sadness as well. This is the decision I made though... to move 3,000 miles away, and live life here. With that, comes death. Even the most tragic and unexpected. I cannot simply teleport myself back to Florida, no matter how much I wish I could. All I can do is make calls for friends, answer calls and texts, do my part to help wherever I can, from here... so that's what I've done. To the best of my ability. So that was Sunday, and Monday, I went to work, but my heart and mind were in Tampa... My boss let me take my flex day on Tuesday, and she didn't even know my struggles, she just knew I was working a lot lately and had a free schedule yesterday so I got to take it. Needed it more than I knew. I also joined The Perfect Sidekick on Monday, which is something I have wanted to do since I moved here... needed that more than I knew as well (feel free to google... it's pretty bad ass)
So here I am tonight, feeling like it's been 2 weeks since Sunday, and it's only Wednesday night. One of the cool things about the timing of my move here is my friend, Kylie, from Tallahassee was out here visiting when I arrived. She introduced me to her BFF, Cassie, and Cassie's daughter, Jasia. They have become my instant fam. Last night, I went and had dinner there. Friday, I will go camping up in Redwood area with them, and enjoying some nature walks Saturday morning. I also met another cool friend here, Celia, and we will hike Saturday afternoon then head up to San Leandro for a meeting (Bob Darrell will be in town, equally bad ass.) Sunday, is the 10K AIDS Walk in SF. There's definitely not a dull moment. For that, I am truly grateful. Oh, and I get to see Joy Harjo tomorrow night at St. Paul's Episcopal :)
I think the most valuable lesson about this last month is that just because I am across the country, this does not mean everything I was dealing with in Florida has vanished... wherever I go, there I am... so I am still working on some closure stuff with a past relationship, and that is okay. I can do that today. I can walk through painful experiences, and fly at the same time. I can enjoy this beautiful life I've been given, and realize it could be over in any minute. So it's up to me to make the best of it. If that means working through old wounds to heal and find more happiness, so be it. It is what it is, and it's all good.
Love to all, light to all,

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