They say it takes 30 days to make a habit, and 30 days to break a habit. I have spent the last 30 days breaking one and making another... the one I have broken is smoking. I will not say I am at the 30 day mark, because I have had some set backs. Sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly.
The habit I am making is one I have had all along, just added to it.. that is regular exercise and healthy eating. What have I added? The biggest addition, other than majorly increasing water intake, was that I added running. Now, for anyone who knows me, they are probably saying under their breaths "not again, you are not supposed to do that, your knees can't handle that" something to that effect. Well, I decided I can. I decided that as long as I am not further damaging my knees by doing such, and am remaining cognizant of my strides, I will run. Why? Because I am 27 years old, I love sports and being fit and healthy, and I did not stop smoking to walk when I can run. I have always had 5K, 10K, and half-marathons on my goal lists... so I am going to do it... bad knees or not. Besides, I have seen people with prosthetic legs do it, why can't I?? So that is a habit I have been working on, I am running about every other day lately and doing other exercises in between, with one full day off a week.
Where does my blog come in to play? It doesn't. I still have not made that a habit. I guess when I started blogging, I did not realize how much harder it would be to write on an open forum than just to write in my journal (which still requires a daily commitment I have yet to keep.) I get in these modes where I can write for days, and then I go weeks where I will not write a sentence. So who knows if that is one I will be keeping?
I know that between the habit I am breaking, and the habit I am creating, this has been one of the most challenging months of my life. And it had absolutely nothing to do with New Year's. I just decided I was tired of living on this fence of health and it was time to make a decision. I chose health. Good health. Definitely, a habit worth keeping...
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