Happy Holy Week for friends who observe Christian tradition. I've begun the week with contemplation. Thinking about this idea of praise (I am in the choir, after all, and this is one of our busiest weeks!)
I also pay attention when friends say "thank God" or "Praise God" and it is always attached to some positive outcome, answered prayer, or good thing. So what about the times of trial, suffering, the downright difficult times? Am I not to praise him? Am I to say "thanks God for the crapstorm, I so appreciate it" being bitter for all that has come my way?
That would be easy.
But it's not the way I operate. See, I fully believe on life on life's terms. As difficult as those terms may be. Life may beat me up and knock me down, but I can thank God for the strength to get back up.
Those who know me personally know the last six months have been filled with trials. Every reason I moved back to Tallahassee fell apart, with the exception of family. (Thank goodness I have my family). Maybe things needed to appear promising for me to come home and take care of Grandma? Maybe I needed to see the direction in which my life was not supposed to go? Maybe all of this led to me meeting someone here that would help me find a new path? I do not have the answers yet.
I do know I am not alone. I know that I can't blame God for the shortcomings of others, for the injustices of the "justice" system, for the dishonesty that comes with being human, or for the inconsistencies in what appeared to be the right path. Because it's just life. Is it extremely difficult right now? Yes. Am I continuing to praise my higher power? Most definitely. Because I can't imagine how much more difficult life would be without that inner strength that comes from God.
Just my two cents
Prayers welcome
**God can be called Buddha, Jehovah, HP, etc. the God within me honors the God within you- Namaste**